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Abstracts 18 - 81<br />

<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

BANKS & BANKING (Cont' d)<br />

18 - H&G Sept. 8; ed:2/4 - The ADVERTISER is still harping on the indebtedness<br />

of the Banks to the Government. Suppose that establishment<br />

sets an example by paying sundry protested notes to the Banks!<br />

Example before precept. (1)<br />

79 - H&G Sept. 18; ed:2/2 - There is a happy illustration of the universal<br />

Locofoco Anti-Bank feeling in the proceedings of the late Locofoco<br />

State -Convention in Michigan. The following resolution was adopted by<br />

the convention: Resolved, That in the opinion of this convention, the<br />

establ ishment of a well regulated State Bank, under the control of the<br />

people, is a measure called for by the interests of the State.<br />

"What will Senators Benton and Allen say these 'Bank minions' of their<br />

party? A 'great monster' needed to regulate some fifty 'little monsters!'<br />

Such is Michigan Anti-Bankism."<br />

For the edification of our Ohio Anti-Banlt Locofocos, we copy another<br />

resolution unanimously adopted the same convention. Resolved, That<br />

the convention repudiate the charges of the federal press, that the<br />

Democratic party is hostile to all banking institutions; and that we disapprove<br />

of any attempt to destroy any of the sound banking institutions<br />

of this state.<br />

"'Destroy, discredit, or injure,' etc. Let our Anti-Bank hypocrites<br />

bare their backs to the lash so well laid on by their political brethren.<br />

Don't wince." - (4)<br />

80 - H&G Sept. 25:2/1,2 - In an open letter to the public, J. W. Allen<br />

says: I am in substance charged with a gross dereliction of duty to the<br />

country -and to my constituents for the contemptible purpose of advancing<br />

my own pecuniary interests. This is a mistake, as every one knows that<br />

owing to the extraordinary embarrassment growing out of the last war with<br />

England, most of the Banks in the southern and western States adjacent<br />

to the theater of operations failed, either pending the war or within a<br />

few years thereafter. Among them was the Commercial Bank of Lake Erie,<br />

which stopped in 1818 on a demand for specie made by a Branch of the Bank<br />

of the United States. The Directors determined not to pay the U. S.<br />

Bank but to pay individual bill-holders instead.<br />

"There is a slight mistake in the averment (as per yesterday's<br />

ADVERTISER) that I voted at the last session of Congress 'to put more<br />

of the people's money into this Bank.'" (25)<br />

81 - H&G Oct. 2; ed: 2/2 - Zalmon Fitch, Esq., of Warren, has been appointed<br />

President of the Bank of Cleveland in place of A. Seymour,<br />

resigned. (I)<br />

H&G Oct. 6; ed:2/3 - See Political Campaigns & Elections - Cleveland<br />

& Cuyahoga<br />

H&G Oct. 18; ed: 2/2 - See Grain<br />


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