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252<br />

<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

Abstracts 1566 - 1571<br />


1566 - H&G Sept. 13; ed:2/3 - What are the Van Buren Democrats about<br />

in Cuyahoga, is a question frequently asked; and we are at a loss how<br />

to answer it. So far as meets the eye, they are permitting the Whigs<br />

to walk allover the course this year, save and except a little opposition<br />

of the regular candidates for Representative, and even this,<br />

in behalf of a staunch Whig and one of Mr. Ewing's firmest supporters.<br />

The party is really at a low ebb if they cannot make out a ticket.<br />

(verbatim) (1)<br />

1567 - H&G Sept. 14; ed: 2/3 - We adverted yesterday to the fact that<br />

certain Van Buren leaders representing Mr. Barr are as firmly devoted<br />

to the support of Thomas Ewing.<br />

"This they do by way of courting favor among the Whigs and securing<br />

their votes." (2)<br />

1568 - H&G Sept. 15; ed:2/2 - The Hon. Thomas Ewing will address the<br />

Whigs of Portage county at Ravenna to-day; the Whig nominating convention<br />

also meeting there at the same time.<br />

"It will be a proud time for Old Portage for in no other county on<br />

the Reserve, if we except Lorain, have the Whigs entered into the<br />

political contest with such unconquesable spirit." (7)<br />

1569 - H&G Sept. 15; ed:2/3 - "We have heard much of Mr. Barr's claims<br />

on the people of Cuyahoga for the Legislature. A writer in yesterday's<br />

INTELLIGENCER, (probably Mr. Barr himself,) presents them in a nutshell.<br />

We copy them for the information of the Whig voters of Cuyahoga, his<br />

Loco Foco supporters of course feel no sort of interest in any 'claims'<br />

on the Whigs." Here they are: "I put the question to the leading Whigs<br />

of Cleveland and Willoughby, whether at the Whig State Convention, held<br />

a few years since at Columbus. at which Jobn Barr presided as Secretary,<br />

the duties of organizing and disseminating sound information among the<br />

Whigs of this county, was not urged and put upon Mr. Barr by the Cuyahoga<br />

county delegation. That in furtherance of this great object he should<br />

devote his time, ability and money, and as a compensation therefore he<br />

was to be reimbursed with a seat in the Legislature?" (4)<br />

1570 - H&G Sept. 15; ed:2/3 - C. M. Giddings is nominated in the<br />

ADVERTISER as a candidate for Representative, subject to the decision<br />

of the "Democratic Bank Reform Convention." (1)<br />

1571 - H&G Sept. 15; ed: 2/3 - The COM. INTELLIGENCER says: "Seabury<br />

Ford and Silas Axtell have been put in nomination by the Whigs of Geauga<br />

county as candidate for the Legislature. Timber must be very scarce in<br />

Geauga county when such a man as Seabury Ford is the best selection that<br />

can be made. He is a great bore at best."<br />

"How excessively stupid the Whigs of the Reserve prove themselves to<br />

be, in not consulting such Whigs as B. Andrews, James S. Clarke and<br />

J. W. Willey in making their nominations! Genuine LocoFocos could not<br />

be harder to please! Have they no John Barr to send for 'use' in Geauga?"<br />


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