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<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

Abstracts 1956 - 1961<br />

POSTAL SERVICE (Cont'd)<br />

improved to afford the facilities which the importance of the two<br />

cities plainly requires.<br />

"Let our citizens set on foot a petition to the Postmaster General.<br />

Let Columbus join us in calling for the arrangment, but more than all,<br />

let our Postmaster put his sh'oulder to the wheel and it will be granted.<br />

Who wi 11 circulate the necessary petition? Don't all speak at once!" (3)<br />

1956 - H&G Dec. 18:2/3 - In a letter to the editor, "A Subscriber" of<br />

Richfield. O. says: "Will you be so kind as to inform me, a subscriber,<br />

how it happens that postmasters on the route from Cleveland to Hudson<br />

are allowed to stop papers at the office, or offices, when it is known<br />

that a mail passes from Hudson through this place every Friday, to<br />

Brunswick? Your paper has a large circulation in this place, and I<br />

think it would be well for you to take notice of these facts."<br />

'''How it happens,' we cannot tell, but that it does 'happen' is exceedingly<br />

annoying to us, as well as to our subscribers in Richfield ....<br />

We do not say that 'something is rotten,' but we do know something is<br />

wrong on the route from this city to Brunswick via Hudson. " (5)<br />

See also Post Office<br />

POTTERY & CROCKERY. See Household Equipment & Furnishings<br />


1957 - H&G Jan. 1; adv: 3/1 - Hurrah for Christmas. Turkeys, Geese,<br />

Ducks, and Chicltens for sale by Bergh & Wood 130 Superior st. (1)<br />


1958 - H&G Jan. 1; adv:2/5 - Harris' Pittsburgh and Western Directory -<br />

Comprising a brief account of 100 western Towns an:! Villages. A few<br />

copies of the above very valuable work are left with the subscriber for<br />

sale. P. Dow (1)<br />

1959 - H&G Jan. 1; adv:2/6 - To printers. The subscribers have received<br />

on consignment, numerous fonts of Job Type somewhat worn, and will be<br />

sold at reduced prices. Penniman & Bemis, Job Printers, 16, Central<br />

Bui ldings. (2)<br />

1960 • H&G jan. 20; adv:2/5 • job Printing. Orders for every description<br />

of job Printinl!, will be received at this office, (19 Central Buildings,)<br />

and executed in a superior style. (1)<br />

H&G Mar. 10; adv: 2/6 • See Labor<br />

1961 - H&G May 15; adv:2/5 - Book and Job Printing, Justin jones, 19 &<br />

21 Central Buildings, Will e&ecute to order every description of Book,<br />

Plain ,and Ornamental job Printing. Metallic and colored Printing neatly<br />

executed. Visiting and Address Cards printed at an hour's notice. (1)<br />


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