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<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

Abstracts 1512 - 1515<br />


1512 - H&G Sept'. 15; ed: 2/4 • Opinions of Our Neighbors: • "We copy the<br />

following article from the OHIO STAR, one of the oldest and soundest<br />

Whig journals, on the Reserve: Read it, voters of Cuyahoga! 'We regret<br />

to see that some "dissatisfied" spirits in the Whig ranks, in Cuyahoga<br />

County, under the influence of the Loco Foco, are endeavoring to promote<br />

disunion among the Whigs. The Cleveland INTELLIGENCER, a wolf in sheeps<br />

clothing, is the organ of this movement, and John Barr the instrument.<br />

Mr. Barr has been solicited to become a candidate for the Legislature in<br />

opposition to the regularly nominated ticket and with that solicitation<br />

he has complied. '" (2)<br />

1513 - H&G Sept. 11; ed:2/2,3 - County Conventions· Shall they be sustained<br />

by the Whigs?<br />

Formerly leading disorganizers of the other day had more power and<br />

political influence than they now enjoy. The nominations were made by<br />

a few intriguing managers at the county seat. The yeomanry of the county<br />

had no part or lot in the matter. To give them a voice in the selection<br />

of their representatives and other officers, conventions were resorted<br />

to in which the delegates of the different townships were called upon<br />

to determine who should receive the support of their sentiments.<br />

The wire pullers at Cleveland, who had so long enjoyed the prerogative<br />

of making nominations, at once began to oppose this new system. Unless<br />

they could put down the new arrangement their own power was lost and<br />

their influence gone. Thus far the people have sustained their own conventions<br />

notwithstanding the open and the secret efforts of all opponents.<br />

Want of success and repeated disappointment however, only redouble the<br />

efforts of this clan of disorganizers, and at length they deem the hour<br />

of success at hand.<br />

A Wbig bas been found wbo is willing to run-against tbe ticket and<br />

break down the Convention system. The sound Whigs in the rank and file<br />

will stand to their guns and support the ticket and the Convention system.<br />

"The Convention system we repeat will be sustained, and the people<br />

will retain the power in their own hands. "(12)<br />

1514 - H&G Sept. 11; ed:2/3.4 - The Locofocos of Knox county gave Messrs.<br />

Shannon and Allen a dinner at Mt. Vernon on the 8th and in duty bound<br />

those orators favored the people with speeches.<br />

Extraordinary efforts were made to drum up a large gathering, and the<br />

WATCHMAN puts down the number in attendance at about 1200, nearly one<br />

half Whigs. (1)<br />

1515 - H&G Sept. 19; ed: 2/1 • The voters of this State will be called<br />

upon in a few days to choose a Governor. Of the Whig candidate, Joseph<br />

Vance, the people are well informed. He is one of the pioneers of the<br />

State, has grown up with her greatness, advised in her councils, and<br />

served as her Governor for one term with honor to himself and credit to<br />

the State.<br />


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