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<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

Abstracts 1493 - 1497<br />

POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS & ELECTIONS - Municipal (Cont'd)<br />

Reserve is redeemed! "Loco-Foco" Hubbard, the master spirit of the tin<br />

pan, of experiments, Van Burenism, anti-banking and demagogueism, expunged.<br />

.<br />

The whole ticket is undoubtedly carried with the exception of the<br />

County Surveyor, the candidate nominated by the Van Buren party having,<br />

in some towns, run on both tickets.<br />

"Freemen of Lorain! You will breathe frt"e-er and easier as you wake<br />

this morning to the consciousness that yesterday's resistance to a desperate<br />

foe was not in vain." (9)<br />

1493 - H&G Oct. 10; ed:2/2 - A gentleman direct from Hudson informs us<br />

that the entire Whig ticket is elected in Portage County.<br />

"Precise majority not known. Huzza for Portalle." (2)<br />

1494 - H&G Oct. 20; ed:2/3 - The chop-fallen "Loco-Focos" of Lorain<br />

attribute their defeat to imported votes from Cuyahoga County and the<br />

REPUBLICAN reiterates the falsehood, backed by affidavits of what a<br />

certain boy said in repeating "Loco-Foco" stories!<br />

"As the REPUBLICAN seems ambitious of sustaining its former bad<br />

character, the ridiculous statement is a perfect god-send to the editor."<br />

Ohio<br />

1495 - H&G Jan. 13; ed:2/5 - The "Loco-Foco" Convention of the 8th met<br />

and nominated Wilson Shannon of Belmont county for Governor.<br />

"And who is Wilson Shannon? is now the enquiry. He is represented<br />

as a young man, a second rate lawyer, but little known, and just the<br />

kind of candidate Gov. Vance will beat by 10 or 15,000 votes. No mistake<br />

in that. The Reserve is good for her full share of that majority." (3)<br />

1496 • H&G Jan. 29; ed:2/2,3 - In selecting their candidate, the locofocos<br />

were probably influenced by the consideration, that the man least known<br />

to the people, would stand the best chance of an election. Consequently<br />

the "old u'ns" of the party were put by, and the claims of the Reserve<br />

slighted.<br />

"In answer to the enquiry 'who is Wilson Shannon, the nominee of the<br />

late locofoco Convention?'" we subjoin his 'eventful history' as given<br />

in the OHIO STATESMAN. It will be seen that he was born and bred much<br />

like other boys - went to college and the law like other young men - ran<br />

for Congress and was defeated, as others have done before him - and finally<br />

makes a very popular and no doubt good Prosecuting Attorney for old<br />

Belmont •• Such are Wilson Shannon's claims on the people of Ohio for the<br />

place now so ably and honorably filled by Joseph Vance, when 'all cyphered<br />

out! '" (6)<br />

1497 - H&G Feb. I; ed:3/2 - The late Philip Doddridge of Western Virginia,<br />

on being asked how so many great men were produced in the West, replied:<br />

We set a young fellow of fair personal appearance upon the stump, and<br />

blow him up to the requisite size for the occasion.<br />

237<br />


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