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<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

Abstracts 2070 - 2076<br />


2070 - H&G Jan. 1; adv:2/5 - The stockholders of the Cleveland and<br />

Newburgh railroad are hereby notified tbat an installment of two dol­<br />

lars on each share of stock owned by them is required to be paid to<br />

N. Dockstader, Esq., treasurer.<br />

By order of the board of directors. William Milford, president. (1)<br />

2071 - H&G Jan. 2; ed: 2/1 - The friends of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh<br />

railroad will bear in mind that this evening is the time for the<br />

adjourned meeting to be held at the court house.<br />

"Let tbere be a full attendance, as the meeting is an important one<br />

to the interests of Cleveland." (1)<br />

2072 - H&G Jan. 5:2/3,4 - At a meeting of the citizens of Cleveland<br />

held at the court bouse on the evening of Dec. 26 to hear the report<br />

of the delegates who attended the late railroad convention at Pittsburgh,<br />

D. H. Beardsley was appointed chairman, and S. Starkweather,<br />

secretary.<br />

Several resolutions were adopted and committees appointed to ascertain<br />

what amount of subscriptions to the proposed railroad's stock may<br />

be expected from individuals of this city. (12)<br />

H&G Jan. 19:2/3 - See Incorporations & Partnerships<br />

2073 - H&G Jan. 22; ed: 2/2, 3 - By the Pittsburgh ADVOCATE we have the<br />

detailed proceedings of the late convention held in that city by the<br />

friends of a railroad between Pittsburgb and Beaver, as part of a continuous<br />

road from Pbi ladelpbia to Cleveland.<br />

"The proceedings are marked with tbe right spirit, and evince a determination,<br />

on tbe part of the Convention. to heartily co-operate in<br />

tbe construction of a continuous road from Philadelpbia to Cleveland."<br />

2074 - H&G Feb. 1: 2/5 - At the regular meeting of the city council yesterday,<br />

Mr. Hall from the committee on streets made a report, which was<br />

agreed to, that any action of the council was unnecessary in connection<br />

with the petition of William Milford and others regarding the track of<br />

the Newburgh railroad. (1)<br />

2075 - H&G Feb. 5: 2/2 - In the Senate of the General Assembly on Feb.<br />

2, a bill incorporating the Cleveland and Euclid Rail Road co. was ordered<br />

to be engrossed; yeas 20, nays 13. (1)<br />

2076 . H&G Feb. 5; adv: 2/5 - Railroad Meeting· A public meeting will<br />

be beld at the court house on Tuesday the sixth instant, at seven<br />

o'clock p.m., for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Harrisburgh<br />

convention and transacting other business of interest regarding the<br />

Cleveland and Pittsburgh railroad.<br />

A general attendance is requested. C. M. Giddings, R. H. Backus,<br />

F. Whittlesey; corresponding committee. (verbatim) (2)<br />

345<br />


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