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26<br />

Abstracts 166 - 170<br />

<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. I TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

CANADA (Cont'd)<br />

166 - H&G July 17; ed: 2/3 - The 1ast Kingston CHRONICLE states that his<br />

Excellency, the Commander of the Forces, has directed that the Frontier<br />

from Amherstburg to the Ottawa shall be put into such a state as to<br />

ensure the inhabitants protection and defence, and that the escort of<br />

the 71st Regt., which accompanies Lord Durham to Kingston, is to remain<br />

as part of the frontier force at Brockville.<br />

"We look upon these active preparations by our Canadian neighbors to<br />

protect and defend their soil as one of the best indications of un·<br />

interrupted peace on our borders. The marauders hovering about the<br />

lines will hardly attempt further aggressions so long as they will be<br />

met at every point by British bayonets ..•. The events of the last ten<br />

months, we think, show conclusively that whatever discontent has existed<br />

among a portion of the populace, a large majority of the people are<br />

loyal to their Sovereign Queen, or at least do not desire a change of<br />

government to be brought about by violence and bloodshed." (6)<br />

167 - H&G July 24; ed: 2/2 • A corps of British wood-cutters are stripping<br />

Navy Island of timber.<br />

"The Island contains some 300 acres, and the British are determined<br />

to prevent its again becoming a rendezvous for an insurgent or hostile<br />

force." (1)<br />

168 • H&G July 26; ed: 2/3 - The Kingston CHRONICLE thirsts for the blood<br />

of the Treason convicts of the Upper Province and urges Lord Durham not<br />

to spare the Ii ves of the "trai tors ...<br />

"Lord Durham, happi ly for the peace of Canada, will not heed such<br />

counsellors." (2)<br />

169 • H&G Aug. 11; ed:2/2 • Lord Durham recommends uniting the lakes,<br />

and the ocean by canals navigable to ocean-going vessels. This will no<br />

doubt meet with the favor of the home government. Canadian papers claim<br />

that Durham has already asked 250,000 pounds sterling for the completion<br />

of the Welland canal, and a 1 ike sum for the St. Lawrence improvements,<br />

and speak in a confident tone of the money being granted.<br />

"The projects are worthy the greatness of the British Government."<br />

(4)<br />

170 • H&G Oct. 3; ed: 2/3, 4 . Lord Durham has resigned. The proposed return<br />

of Lord Durham appears to excite strong feeling among all classes<br />

in Canada.<br />

His plans for the improvement of the Provinces were on the most 1 iberal<br />

scale, and a general amel ioration of condition was confidently looked for<br />

under his administration.<br />

"This triumph of Melbourne, Glenely, and Brougham over Durham, we fear,<br />

will be dearly purchased by fresh outbreaks and rebellion in Canada the<br />

coming winter.... Former eruptions have been smothered, not extinguished."<br />

. (3)

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