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<strong>CLEVELAND</strong> NEWSPAPER DIGEST JAN. 1 TO DEC. 31, 1838<br />

Abstracts 1691 - 1695<br />


(H&G) "We look with implicit confidence for a second and final defeat<br />

of Mr. Van Buren in New York; when he will be, as the letter writer expresses<br />

it, 'entirely driven off the course. '" (7)<br />

1691 - H&G Sept. 14; ed: 2/2 - The question of elections in Illinois is<br />

settled; the Illinois delegation in Congress stands Reynolds (Locofoco)<br />

Casey. (Conservative) and Stuart (Whig) - Reynolds will support the<br />

Sub-Treasury scheme of President Van Buren. The election of John T.<br />

Stuart is confirmed. Douglass and Locofocoism are finally prostrate.<br />

"Under all the circumstances of the election. we hesitate not to<br />

pronounce it. as it will be pronounced, one of the greatest political<br />

triumphs that has yet taken place in the United States." (8)<br />

1692 - H&G Sept. 14; ed:2J3 - Is it not cheering? Our foes are striving<br />

to sustain their drooping courage by hurrahing reaction in Missouri and<br />

Illinois; and this, poor souls, they have to lie for.<br />

"Jackson & Reform" was the cry of thousands in 1828, but that spirit<br />

is dead and in its grave lies buried their hope of success.<br />

Reaction in Illinois! Reaction in Missouri! "Why, another election<br />

will estinguish the party throughout the wildest prairies and deepest<br />

backwoods of both these states." (6)<br />

1693 - H&G Sept. 18; ed:2/1 .. The news from Maine shows the Locos have<br />

the "main chance." The resul t, though not hoped for, is not entirely unexpected.<br />

"The Whigs have been beaten, though not used up - floored but to rise<br />

again.... Defeat will teach them the importance of union, concert, action.<br />

Let us profit by the lesson in Ohio." (2)<br />

1694 - H&G Sept. 18:2/3 - In a letter to the editor, "Anti-Division" says:<br />

I see by the papers that William H. Seward, Esq., has been nominated for<br />

Governor of New York by the Whig Convention. Mr. Granger had many friends<br />

in the Convention who urged his nomination.<br />

What kind of a Whig, let me ask, would that man be called who - because<br />

Mr. Seward was not his choice should insist upon running Francis<br />

Granger? "What sort of a Whig Editor who should use his paper to advance<br />

such a movement? And what would be said and justly said of Mr. Granger<br />

should he consent to such a movement and permit his name to be used to<br />

divide his party?" , (2)<br />

1695 - H&G Sept. 19; ed:2/1 - Rotation in office was one of the maxims<br />

of the Jackson party eight years ago. They rotated out Mr. Adams, and<br />

the Departments at Washington'have been turning out obnoxious Whigs ever<br />

since. ,. ",<br />

"The Whigs will teach them true rotation at the polls this fall, or<br />

we greatly mistake the signs in the Empire State." (3)<br />


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