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e able to pay the interest on the foreign debt 308 and to continue to privatize stateowned<br />

companies.<br />

This means that the maximum market solution does not have to be demanded<br />

in every single treaty or agreement- due to the interaction of the various institutions<br />

and international trade agreements, this creates an explosive mix.<br />

The GATS-2000 Requests of the European Commission try to approach the<br />

topic from other perspectives: The European Commission, for example, is trying to<br />

restrain the rights of the Brazilian Central Bank to control and regulate the crossboarder<br />

flows of capital and currencies [Author's note: In the following quote the first<br />

phrase represents the Brazilian negotiation position, starting with “EC Request” the<br />

demands of the European Commission are stated.]:<br />

“The Central Bank establishes procedures related to remittances<br />

and transfer of funds abroad. EC Request: Clarification of the horizontal<br />

commitment is requested. If the term “procedures” comprises<br />

any kind of restriction, it should be eliminated on the grounds that it<br />

was not scheduled.” 309<br />

If the financial crises of the “emerging countries” should repeat themselves, the<br />

hands of the Brazilian government would be tied by the international treaty. They<br />

would not be able to implement short-term tools to influence or control its development,<br />

which are currently still allowed by the Brazilian Constitution: the market would<br />

be left to resolve the problem.<br />

The European Commission also wants to abolish Brazilian legislation which<br />

refers to the establishment or settlement of a company according to the principle of<br />

sole proprietor and partnership:<br />

308 In questions of debt and interest payment the same principle applies to the Lula-government as to the Cardoso<br />

government. See: BBC Mundo: Economista critica pressão externa por mais exportações, citing Werner Baer,<br />

professor of the University of Illinois: “Mas, à medida que os Estados Unidos, a Europa e o FMI forçam o Brasil a<br />

manter em dia o serviço da dívida externa, eles forçam o governo brasileiro, indiretamente, a enfatizar o crescimento<br />

das exportações [...] Sem essa pressão, ou se fosse perdoada parte da dívida externa, isso também diminuiria a<br />

pressão sobre o governo de enfatizar o setor externo e ele poderia aumentar as despesas internas para melhorar<br />

a situação dos pobres.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/noticias/2002/021004_baerrg.shtml. Own translation:<br />

“Furthermore, if the United States, Europe or the IMF force Brazil to be up to date with the foreign debt payment,<br />

they are forcing the Brazilian government indirectly, to emphasize export growth [...] Without this pressure, or if a<br />

part of the foreign debt was to be pardoned, this would also take pressure from the government to emphasize the<br />

external sector and this could make possible a rise in internal spending to improve the situation of the poor.”<br />

309 GATS 2000. Request from the EC and its Member States (hereafter the EC) to Brazil, see: http://www.gatswatch.org/<br />

docs/offreq/EUrequests/Brazil.pdf.<br />


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