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thereby significantly approached the boarderline of an open trade war. 172 Literally at<br />

the last minute president Bush (jr.) lifted the tariffs in the “Steel Safeguard Case”, in<br />

order to avoid cross retaliation by the EU and other countries. – This cannot obscure<br />

the fact that this economic conflict is latent and consequently the currency-competition<br />

between the Euro and the dollar is also affected. The competition for markets<br />

between the EU and the U.S. is also revealed in Latin America: The European bilateral<br />

strategy after the implementation of the FTAs with Chile and Mexico, to rapidly<br />

conclude a bilateral agreement with MERCOSUR – if possible before the signing of<br />

the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA/ALCA) – is also a reflection of this:<br />

“The race [between the U.S. and Europe] will not be continued in Latin<br />

America alone, but it is the playing field where, with the FTAA and the EU-<br />

MERCOSUR projects, the competition between the Euro and the dollar is<br />

reflected most explicitly. 173 ”<br />

According to a report from the ila journal, the feeling of rivalry between the U.S.<br />

and Europe concerning the competition for Latin American markets has in the meantime<br />

reached a critical mass:<br />

“German economic officials look towards a possible overall American free<br />

trade area with discomfort. 174 ”<br />

And the new fourth generation of regional trade agreements aims primarily at<br />

enforcing European commercial and economic interests:<br />

“The EU has so far not been able to demonstrate in a convincing manner, that<br />

the extensive agenda of the new generation of trade agreements promotes<br />

a broad socially just and ecologically compatible development in the South.<br />

The European trade policy is a horse of a different color: The Community aims<br />

to expand its exports to the countries of the South and will concentrate on<br />

safeguarding new markets, particularly in the areas of high technologies and<br />

services, but also with respect to the enlargement of foreign investment-flows<br />

in the processing sector, privatization-programs and investment in extractive<br />

industries. Strategically the EU is out to set a trade-related counterbalance<br />

172 Topstory-report, BBC World News, November 18, 2003.<br />

173 Own translation of the following original text: “Das Rennen [zwischen USA und Europa] wird nicht nur in Lateinamerika<br />

weitergehen, aber es ist das Spielfeld, auf dem sich mit ALCA und mit dem EU-MERCOSUR-Vorhaben die<br />

Konkurrenz zwischen Euro und Dollar am deutlichsten widerspiegelt.” Taken from: Ling, Martin: Lateinamerika im<br />

Visier der Europäischen Union. Europa wetteifert mit den USA um den Markt der wiederentdeckten “Neuen Welt”,<br />

in: Lateinamerika Nachrichten No. 349/350, Berlin: July/August 2003, p. 7.<br />

174 Own translation of the following original text: “Deutsche Wirtschaftsbeamte sehen einer möglichen<br />

gesamtamerikanischen Freihandelszone mit Unbehagen entgegen.” Taken from: Daniel Boss: Wettlauf mit den<br />

USA. Deutsche Wirtschaftsbeamte sehen einer möglichen gesamtamerikanischen Freihandelszone mit Unbehagen<br />

entgegen, in: ila No. 260, November 15, 2002, p. 34.<br />


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