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companies in the Caribbean tax havens. 164 ”<br />

The positioning of European corporations in the Latin American domestic markets<br />

by means of direct investment also has to be seen in the context of geostrategical<br />

economic competition with the U.S.A. And this competition in the course of<br />

2003 has significantly approached the barrier of tariff –wars, which is not only being<br />

led in a disguised way anymore: The falling value of the US-dollar combined with the<br />

simultaneous rise of the Euro deteriorates the foreign trade position of Europe insofar<br />

as European exports become more expensive and US-American exports become<br />

cheaper. As the Euro continued to rise throughout 2003, four crucial events occurred<br />

in terms of foreign trade:<br />

• First of all the WTO, within the framework of the long-lasting dispute between<br />

the EU and the U.S.A. on the U.S. practice to indirectly subsidize the exports of<br />

US-companies by means of so-called “Foreign Sales Companies” (FSC), granted<br />

the EU the right to place trade related sanctions like import tariffs on US-American<br />

commodities for up to four billion US-dollars, which constitutes the highest<br />

ever trade –sanction. 165 The products affected by this measure do not have to be<br />

equivalent products. The EU, in the framework of cross-retaliation, can also place<br />

tariffs on other products. 166 The EU initially did not make use of the sanctions,<br />

allegedly not wanting to damage the multilateral negotiation process within the<br />

WTO, until<br />

• Secondly, the fifth ministerial conference of the WTO in Cancún, México, “failed”<br />

in September of 2003 and<br />

164 Own translation of the following original text: “Es fällt auf, dass nach Angaben der Zentralbanken und<br />

Fachministerien Lateinamerikas ein Fünftel der ausländischen Direktinvestitionen aus anderen Ländern, d.h.<br />

hauptsächlich aus Steueroasen, kam. Die Steueroasen scheinen aber lediglich Durchgangsstationen für die<br />

Investitionen der Unternehmen der Industrieländer zu sein. Denn die Statistiken der Industrieländer nennen ähnlich<br />

hohe Beträge für die Direktinvestitionen ihrer Unternehmen in den Steueroasen der Karibik.” Taken from: Rösler,<br />

Peter: Auslandsinvestitionen in Lateinamerika, Ibero-Amerika verein, July 30, 2003.<br />

165 http://europa.eu.int/comm/trade/issues/respectrules/dispute/pr051103_de.htm.<br />

166 “Cross retaliation” in this context is a circumstance, which has a side-effect for the “old Europe” governments which<br />

is not undesired: The creation of brawl and displeasure between the different US- American export sectors, when,<br />

e.g., citrus farmers have income losses due to the punitive tariffs imposed on their product in Europe because other<br />

U.S. export firms infringe the WTO norms through the preferential tax treatment granted by the U.S. government<br />

– and the citrus farmers lastly have to pay for this – a circumstance which is not negligible in the 2004 U.S. election<br />

year: “Nach Angaben aus EU-Kreisen wurden Warengruppen ausgewählt, die den “maximalen politischen Effekt<br />

haben”. Orangensaft kam beispielsweise deshalb auf die Liste, weil davon US-Staaten wie Florida direkt betroffen<br />

sind, in denen die Präsidentenwahl entschieden wird.” Carsten Matthäus: Bushs riskantes Spiel mit Stahl und<br />

Büstenhaltern, in: Spiegel Online, http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,275552,00.html. Own translation:<br />

“According to EU-information groups of goods were chosen, which have the “maximum political effect.” Orange<br />

juice, e.g., was included in the list, because states like Florida, which are crucial for the outcome of presidential<br />

elections, are directly affected.”<br />


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