Automation Reference - JMP

Automation Reference - JMP

Automation Reference - JMP


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Application Object <strong>Reference</strong> for Automating <strong>JMP</strong><br />

Platform Methods<br />

AddFactor(factorType As doeFactorType)<br />

Using the doeFactorType constants, add a factor type (e.g. Continuous, Categorical, Mixed) using the default<br />

settings.<br />

AddMixtureFactorWithBounds(LowerBound As Double, UpperBound As Double) As Boolean<br />

Adds a Mixture factor, allowing you to specify the lower and upper bounds.<br />

AddMixtureFactorWithName(FactorName as String, LowerBound As Double, UpperBound As Double) As<br />

Boolean<br />

Adds a Mixture factor, specifying the factor name. You must specify the lower and upper bounds.<br />

AddResponse(ResponseType as doeResponseTypes, Name as String, LowerLimit As Double, UpperLimit As<br />

Double, Importance As Double) As Boolean<br />

Add a response to the design. This should be done before invoking MakeModel(ModelType As doeModelTypes)<br />

As Boolean, MakeDesign(), or MakeTable() As Boolean. The doeResponseType constants contain the goal<br />

types (Maximize, Minimize, etc.).<br />

AddTerms(Terms as Variant Array) As Boolean<br />

Add a product of factors to the terms for the model. The factors that are involved must have default names like<br />

X1, X2, X3. The array that is passed in to AddTerms defines a numeric list of the X factors that you would like to<br />

cross for the new term. For example, 1,2 and 3 would result in the term X1*X2*X3. The term numbers must be<br />

specified in an array of type Long. Depending on the automation client used, this might need to be declared as a<br />

Variant and then re-dimensioned as a Long array, or just declared as a Long array. It is highly suggested that you<br />

consult the DOE sample automation program provided with the <strong>JMP</strong> install to see how to use this method.<br />

Note:<br />

You should call AddTerms before invoking MakeDesign().<br />

AddTermsWithPowers(Terms as Variant Array, Powers as Variant Array) As Boolean<br />

Add a product of factors to the terms for the model, with the factors having exponents. Each element in the<br />

Term array must have a matching exponent in the Powers array. So, to have the term X1*X2^2*X3^4 you would<br />

define the Terms array with elements 1, 2 and 3. You would define the Powers array with elements 1, 2, and 4.<br />

Depending on the automation client used, these arrays might need to be declared as a Variant and then redimensioned<br />

as a Long array, or just declared as a Long array. It is highly suggested that you consult the DOE<br />

sample automation program provided with the <strong>JMP</strong> install to see how to use this method.<br />

Note:<br />

You should call AddTermsWithPowers before invoking MakeDesign().<br />

LoadResponses(Table as DataTable) As Boolean<br />

This method can be used to load the design responses from an existing automation data table.<br />

The table must already by loaded using OpenDocument(FileName As String) As Document, and the object<br />

passed back from OpenDocument::GetDataTable must be passed to this method. A return value of True indicates<br />

success, False indicates failure. This method should be called before invoking MakeModel(ModelType As<br />

doeModelTypes) As Boolean, MakeDesign(), and MakeTable() As Boolean.<br />

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