COMPLETE DOCUMENT (1862 kb) - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

COMPLETE DOCUMENT (1862 kb) - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

COMPLETE DOCUMENT (1862 kb) - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency


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whereas the proportion of rare earths is low, and therefore has little influence, hence the increase in the<br />

initial reactivity.<br />

The lanthanides have a low average absorption cross section (about 0.21 barn), which<br />

explains their limited impact on initial reactivity. However, as they are not fertile, their introduction<br />

results in an increase in the loss of reactivity during irradiation owing to competition with 239 Pu<br />

formation.<br />

In order to maintain the same fuel management as in the reference case, it would be necessary<br />

to increase the plutonium enrichment if the decontamination factor between Am and lanthanides falls<br />

below 15. If DF>15, the effect of lanthanides is compensated by the influence of the minor actinides.<br />

The increase in the void effect (∆ρ void ) is +2.4% per vol.% of minor actinides and +0.89%<br />

per vol.% of RE in the core. The reduction of the Doppler effect (∆ρ dopp ) is 5.3% per vol.% of minor<br />

actinides and 1.3% per vol.% of RE in the core. Lower DFs are permissible for recycling in fast<br />

reactors than in PWRs.<br />

Heterogeneous recycling of minor actinides in fast reactor [77]<br />

Mass balances for heterogeneous recycling<br />

Table II.8 shows the calculated transmutation performance in heterogeneous recycling mode<br />

with target positioned in the first row of the radial blanket of an FR (see Figure II.14 (b)).<br />

Specific consumption values range from 4 to 15 kg/TWhe, which is encouragingly higher than<br />

in standard PWRs. On the other hand, the fission rates are very limited. Any improvement in these rates<br />

requires either a lengthening of the irradiation time, which may be limited by the behaviour of the<br />

targets, or a multi-recycling mode.<br />

Americium recycling<br />

FRs.<br />

Table II.9 shows a comparison between the different alternative strategies for recycling Am in<br />

The three cases correspond to the irradiation of targets placed in the first row of the radial<br />

blanket of the EFR-type core. The targets have identical dimensions to the fertile UO 2 assemblies. UO 2<br />

is replaced by americium mixed with a matrix, as required. The cases differ in the initial mass of<br />

americium loaded. All the available space is occupied by americium in case 1. In cases 2 and 3, the<br />

targets are loaded with mixtures of americium and inert matrix, Al 2 O 3 in this case. The common limiting<br />

criterion is the radiation damage to the cladding materials which is set at 200 dpa NRT for very<br />

radiation resistant steel types.<br />

Depletion and fission percentages increase sharply with irradiation time when the initial<br />

content is reduced. In contrast, the absolute value of specific consumption decreases sharply, depending<br />

on the initial mass loaded.<br />


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