COMPLETE DOCUMENT (1862 kb) - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

COMPLETE DOCUMENT (1862 kb) - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

COMPLETE DOCUMENT (1862 kb) - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency


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decrease is obtained in the radiotoxic inventory before 10 6 years. Thus there is no<br />

immediate advantage in recycling neptunium, except as part of a strategy of systematically<br />

incinerating all the MAs;<br />

• If americium is recycled alone, only a moderate gain is achieved in comparison with<br />

plutonium multi-recycling owing to the accumulation of curium. Nevertheless, while Pu<br />

multi-recycling reduces the radiotoxic inventory of wastes by a factor of 5 to 10, this<br />

reduction would be increased to a factor of 30 by recycling americium, without curium;<br />

• Curium must therefore ultimately be considered, if a maximum inventory reduction is<br />

intended. This could be achieved by fissioning the highly fissile 245 Cm. Yet, the very high<br />

activity of 244 Cm (half-life 18 years) makes it very difficult to handle such a target. An<br />

overall strategy could consider the separation of Cm and its interim storage for a century<br />

or so to allow the 244 Cm to decay to 240 Pu and then recycle the remaining mixture<br />

( 240 Pu/ 245 Cm).<br />

If only plutonium is multi-recycled, the equilibrium obtained involves the accumulation of 300<br />

to 600 t of Pu in the cycle depending on the type of dedicated reactor. This stabilisation of the mass of<br />

Pu would be accompanied by a 2.5 to 10 fold increase in the mass of minor actinides produced. This<br />

mass would be discharged with the wastes and would commensurably reduce the anticipated gain in<br />

radiotoxicity to a factor of less than 10.<br />

To make further headway, the MAs must be multi-recycled to a dedicated reactor, which<br />

would increase the mass of Pu and MAs in the cycle at equilibrium, but which would reduce the masses<br />

sent to the waste by a factor of nearly 100 in comparison with direct disposal.<br />

However a residual mass of heavy nuclei would exist at equilibrium in the reactor and in the<br />

different fuel cycle plants.<br />

This concept of equilibrium mass in a nuclear reactor system implies that, in the case of<br />

scheduled and progressive shutdown of the nuclear capability, it would theoretically be possible almost<br />

to eliminate the mass of heavy nuclei present in the cycle, by shutting down first the Pu-producing<br />

reactors, and then the Pu- and MA-consuming reactors as the inventory gradually decreases.<br />

However, it must be understood that to implement such strategies would demand periods of<br />

several decades or even centuries.<br />

For strategies using incinerating reactors and reactors fuelled with enriched uranium, the<br />

problem of natural uranium resources would arise within about fifty years.<br />

A convertible reactor of the CAPRA type could perform equally well as a Pu consumer or a<br />

breeder, and would help to switch rapidly from a strategy of plutonium limitation or reduction to a<br />

strategy of plutonium use and regeneration or vice versa.<br />

It must also be understood that physical studies of scenarios in no way imply their technical<br />

and technological feasibility, which are the subject of a major R&D support programme, including the<br />

development of an inert matrix for TRU targets, reactivity control in presence of high MA loadings.<br />


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