COMPLETE DOCUMENT (1862 kb) - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

COMPLETE DOCUMENT (1862 kb) - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

COMPLETE DOCUMENT (1862 kb) - OECD Nuclear Energy Agency


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pursued. Since 137 Cs and 90 Sr are the principal sources of decay heat in vitrified HLW, separation from<br />

HLLW merits further attention.<br />

However transmutation cross-sections of 137 Cs and 90 Sr in LWR and FR neutron spectra are<br />

so small, and accelerator driven transmutation systems without accompanying fission reactions are so<br />

expensive, that it is doubtful whether R&D efforts in transmutation of these nuclides are justified. The<br />

development of specific nuclear reactions by for example “Adiabatic Resonance Crossing” might be a<br />

new route which ought to be explored.<br />

Other fission products with half-lives shorter or equal to about 30 years need not be<br />

considered in a comprehensive P&T strategy.<br />

For TRU nuclides the situation is different, since most of the “heavy metals” are linked to<br />

each other in the radioactive series (4n, 4n+1, 4n+2, 4n+3). Important nuclides are 241 Pu, 243 Cm, and<br />

244 Cm which are mother isotopes respectively of 241 Am, 239 Pu and 240 Pu, and these are very important<br />

contributors to the total radiotoxic inventory. Despite their relatively short half-lives, these nuclides may<br />

not be disregarded in a P&T scenario. Incineration or transmutation of these nuclides can greatly<br />

modify the long-term radiotoxic inventory.<br />

At the other extreme of the time scale lie the very long-lived fission products ( 135 Cs, 99 Tc, 129 I),<br />

plus 237 Np and the natural actinides (U series) with extremely long half-lives. The partitioning of the<br />

long-lived fission products is difficult, while some are accompanied by other isotopes of the same<br />

elements, and isotopic separation of fission products cannot presently be considered.<br />

In the case of 135 Cs the presence of natural 133 Cs might interfere with transmutation-depletion<br />

reactions. A similar interference from natural 127 I should be investigated in case of 129 I transmutation.<br />

Transmutation of 99 Tc can proceed without interferences since it is the only long-lived isotope without<br />

any natural equivalent.<br />

Most TRUs have long half-lives which are significant compared with the span of a human life,<br />

a civilisation or even a geological period. In principle every P&T action which might decrease the<br />

long-term impact of man-made actinides is beneficial, but there are limitations beyond the grasp of<br />

mankind.<br />

Three time periods can be considered as cut-off limits for further hazard assessment:<br />

• 10 000 years, as administrative limit for a spent fuel repository (USA);<br />

• 100 000 years as the time when uranium daughter products, 226 Ra and others, start to<br />

dominate the radiotoxicity of the spent fuel;<br />

• 1 000 000 years; the period significant in the evolution of the earth crust.<br />

Ten thousand years is perhaps short from both scientific and technical points of view, but one<br />

million years is definitely beyond any anthropological horizon. A cut-off period of 100 000 years seems<br />

a suitable “logarithmic” compromise for the assessment of radiological effects.<br />

Except for 237 Np, there are no significant TRU inventories which will survive the million-year<br />

term, and beyond that period the natural radioactivity of uranium and its decay products become the<br />

dominant radiotoxic inventory [188]. Not only natural uranium but also depleted and reprocessed<br />

uranium need to be considered when comparing the long-term radiotoxicity of the different man-made<br />

TRUs.<br />


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