1. magnetic confinement - ENEA - Fusione

1. magnetic confinement - ENEA - Fusione

1. magnetic confinement - ENEA - Fusione


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<strong>1.</strong> MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT<br />

<strong>1.</strong>2 FTU Facilities<br />

new control system using modules addressable via the Net was set up and tested. In<br />

the next phase, the beam will be tested at full power before installation on FTU.<br />

The MSE optics has been designed with the observed chord divided in two sections<br />

to reduce the aperture of each section. The relay optics will include two mirrors on<br />

each section and a system of lenses to image the plasma outside the port. All of the<br />

glass components will be made out of a low Verdet-coefficient material. The first<br />

periscope components will be placed close to the plasma, inside a temperaturecontrolled<br />

tube to avoid the window freezing in the cold FTU environment. The<br />

photoelastic modulator polarimeter was pre-assembled, and lock-in detection was<br />

compared with a Fourier analysis deconvolution for the interesting signal frequency<br />

acquired on fast analog-digital converters (ADCs). The Fourier analysis was<br />

preferred as it is less sensitive to hardware noise.<br />

Charge-exchange spectroscopy will operate on 12 vertical lines and f/2 collection<br />

optics. A high-aperture high-resolution image spectrometer with an echelle grating<br />

has been set up and is being equipped with a high-gain image intensifier.<br />

Oblique ECE measurements<br />

It is generally assumed that the bulk electron distribution function is well described<br />

by a Maxwellian distribution function. While qualitative theoretical arguments<br />

support this assumption, determination of the exact form of the bulk distribution<br />

function, in the presence of additional heating and transport processes, is beyond<br />

today’s computational capabilities. From the experimental point of view, the<br />

hypothesis of a Maxwellian distribution is at the basis of the interpretation of<br />

temperature measurements. In the case of Thomson scattering, this is so even if the<br />

scattered spectrum, in principle, contains information about the form of the<br />

(typically perpendicular) 1-D distribution function, which could be used to ascertain<br />

the above hypothesis. In the case of electron cyclotron emission (ECE), the<br />

temperature measurements give the perpendicular slope of the distribution function<br />

averaged over a small region of phase space (for optically thick plasmas), whose<br />

extension is determined by the temperature and density profiles and the specific<br />

instrumental parameters of the diagnostic. Multiharmonic ECE spectra, measured by<br />

Michelson interferometry perpendicularly to the <strong>magnetic</strong> field, can provide a coarse<br />

scan at different perpendicular energies, for low parallel energy.<br />

Oblique ECE spectra can provide a continuous scan of the distribution in parallel<br />

energy by changing the observation angle, for roughly constant perpendicular<br />

energy. These two types of ECE measurements are complementary, and only their<br />

combination can give a 2-D scan of the electron distribution function in velocity<br />

space [<strong>1.</strong>36].<br />

Recently, both theoretical [<strong>1.</strong>37] and experimental [<strong>1.</strong>38] evidence has emerged that<br />

points to the existence of a distortion of the bulk electron distribution function<br />

during on-axis ECH on FTU. The analysis of this phenomenon motivates the present<br />

study, in which the first measurements on FTU with oblique ECE are reported.<br />

An oblique view of FTU plasmas is achieved through one of the transmission lines<br />

of the ECH system [<strong>1.</strong>39]. The line, consisting partly of closed metallic oversized<br />

waveguides and partly of quasi-optical sections, was opened and collimating optics<br />

was installed to focus the radiation emitted by the plasma and transported through<br />

the ECH waveguide up to the receiving antenna. The emitted radiation is analysed<br />

by a 32-channel heterodyne radiometer (2 nd harmonic, X-mode). The radiometer,<br />

originally designed for perpendicular measurements (φ=0˚) during ECH with high<br />

spectral resolution (∆f~1 GHz), was moved temporarily to the ECH line for the<br />

oblique measurements. The ECH launcher, which is used to collect the radiation<br />

[<strong>1.</strong>36] V. Krivenski and V.<br />

Tribaldos, Proc. 20 th EPS<br />

Conf. on Contr. Fusion and<br />

Plasma Physics (Lisboa<br />

1993) Vol. 17C, 1045<br />

[<strong>1.</strong>37] V. Krivenski, Proc.<br />

11 th Joint Workshop on<br />

ECE and ECRH, Fusion<br />

Eng. &. Des. 53, 23 (2001)<br />

[<strong>1.</strong>38] O. Tudisco et al.,<br />

Proc. 26 th EPS Conf. on<br />

Contr. Fusion and Plasma<br />

Physics (Maastrict 1999)<br />

Vol. 23J, p. 101<br />

[<strong>1.</strong>39] C. Sozzi et al., Proc.<br />

13 th Topical Conf.<br />

Applications of RF power<br />

to Plasmas (AIP Press,<br />

1999) p. 462

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