Op Amps for Everyone - The Repeater Builder's Technical ...

Op Amps for Everyone - The Repeater Builder's Technical ...

Op Amps for Everyone - The Repeater Builder's Technical ...


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feedback back loop broken circuit, 6-7<br />

noise, 10-16 to 10-18<br />

single supply, 4-3 to 4-6<br />

single supply circuit, 4-4, 4-5<br />

transfer curve, 4-5<br />

with lead compensation, 7-15<br />

K<br />

Kirchoff’s voltage law, 2-2 to 2-4<br />

L<br />

Large signal differential voltage amplification, 11-13<br />

Law, Ohm’s, 2-1 to 2-3<br />

Lead compensation, 7-13 to 7-17<br />

Bode plot, 7-14<br />

graph, 7-13<br />

inverting op amp, 7-15<br />

noninverting op amp, 7-16<br />

Lead-lag compensation, 7-18 to 7-21<br />

Bode plot, 7-19<br />

circuit, 7-19<br />

closed-loop plot, 7-20<br />

Loading capacitance, making an op amp unstable,<br />

7-4<br />

Logic gate output, circuit, 17-21<br />

Long-tailed pair, circuit, 9-2<br />

Loop antenna, PCB layout, 17-15<br />

Loop gain, block diagram, 6-4<br />

Loop gain plots, 5-12 to 5-16<br />

curve, 5-13, 5-14<br />

Low-pass filter<br />

adjustable circuit, 16-17<br />

band-pass filter transition, 16-28<br />

band-pass transition, 16-37<br />

Bessel, 16-7 to 16-10<br />

Butterworth, 16-6<br />

Butterworth amplitude response graph, 16-6<br />

Butterworth circuit with unity gain, 16-21<br />

circuit, 5-8<br />

comparison of gain responses graph, 16-9<br />

comparison of normalized group delay graph,<br />

16-8<br />

comparison of phase responses graph, 16-8<br />

design, 16-11 to 16-21<br />

first-order, 16-12 to 16-15<br />

fourth-order RC circuit, 16-3<br />

frequency graph, 16-4<br />

fundamentals, 16-2 to 16-11<br />

high order, 16-19 to 16-22<br />

inverting circuit, 16-13<br />

MFB circuit, 16-18<br />

noninverting circuit, 16-12<br />

Noninverting with unity gain circuit, 16-14<br />

phase response graph, 16-4<br />

RC first-order circuit, 16-2<br />

Sallen-Key circuit, 16-15<br />

Sallen-Key circuit with unity gain, 16-15<br />

Sallen-Key circuit with unity gain circuit, 16-20<br />

second-order, 16-14 to 16-20<br />

second-order active, 16-1<br />

second-order passive, 16-1 to 16-3<br />

to a high-pass filter, 16-21<br />

Tschebyscheff, 16-7<br />

Tschebyscheff gain response graph, 16-7<br />

Tschebyscheff unity gain circuit, 16-16<br />

Tschebyscheff quality factor graph, 16-10<br />

unity gain circuit, 16-19<br />

Low-pass filter circuit, 3-10<br />

M<br />

Math, block diagram, 5-1 to 5-6<br />

Maximum output voltage swing<br />

graph, 11-12<br />

parameter, 11-12<br />

MFB band-pass filter, circuit, 16-31<br />

MFB high-pass filter<br />

biasing circuit, 16-50<br />

circuit, 16-25<br />

MFB low-pass filter<br />

biasing circuit, 16-49<br />

circuit, 16-18<br />

Miller effect compensation, 7-2 to 7-4<br />

circuit, 7-2<br />

Multiloop feedback system, block diagram math, 5-4<br />

Multiple feedback, low-pass filter circuit, 16-18<br />

Multiple feedback band-pass filter, 16-31 to 16-33<br />

circuit, 16-31<br />

Multiple feedback high-pass filter<br />

biasing circuit, 16-50<br />

circuit, 16-25<br />

Multiple feedback low-pass filter, 16-18 to 16-20<br />

biasing circuit, 16-49<br />


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