turistički procvat zelene istre - DalCasa

turistički procvat zelene istre - DalCasa

turistički procvat zelene istre - DalCasa


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Vijesti<br />

Poèasno mjesto jabuci<br />

Mali vam ne jede voće? Natjerajte ga da zavoli – mjesto<br />

gdje se voće nalazi! Ovom izumu ime je “Coool”, a hladi<br />

i štiti voće i sve ostalo što želite jednostavnim sustavom,<br />

toliko jednostavnim da je pravo čudo kako ga se nitko<br />

prije nije sjetio. Dno s priključkom za struju lagano se hladi,<br />

a kupolasti prozirni poklopac, opremljen ručkom, štiti<br />

unutrašnjost od izvanjskih utjecaja. Temperaturu unutrašnjosti<br />

možete sami podešavati, a tu je i mali ventilator<br />

koji osigurava ravnomjerno hlađenje svih dijelova vašega<br />

novog kuhinjskog pomoćnika.<br />

Estetika u službi okoliša<br />

Projekt kuće “Maul Dwellings’ Landscape House” pobijedio<br />

je na međunarodnome natječaju za “Kuću za<br />

ekologe”, koji je raspisao Američki institut za arhitekturu<br />

(AIA). Održivost i ekološka prihvatljivost postali su<br />

“must” u svim sferama života, ali najčešće se doživljavaju<br />

kao tehničko ili etičko pitanje, pri čemu je estetska<br />

vrijednost često u drugome planu. Upravo je to motiviralo<br />

stručnjake iz AIA-e koji su od darovitih arhitekata<br />

i studenata arhitekture tražili da naprave projekt za<br />

ekološki osviještenu, ali – jednako važno – i lijepu kuću.<br />

Na natječaj su se javile stotine autora, a najbolju kuću<br />

krase, procijenili su, integritet i inspiracija.<br />

A Place of Honour for an Apple<br />

Your little one does not eat fruits? Make him to love – the<br />

place where fruit is! This invention called the “Cool“, cools<br />

and protects fruits, or anything else you want, through the<br />

simple system, so simple that is quite odd that none invented<br />

it before. The bottom of the device connected<br />

to the power supply mildly cools, and a cupola-like cover<br />

equipped by handle protects from all outside impacts.<br />

Inside temperature is adjustable and there is a small ventilator<br />

ensuring that all parts of your new kitchen assistant<br />

are equally cooled.<br />

Jakna za laku noæ<br />

Autor ovoga izuma sigurno je igrao i na faktor iznenađenja<br />

kad je izmislio jaknu koju je moguće učvrstiti<br />

za – spavanje. Nekoliko godina istraživanja<br />

dovelo ga je do zaključka kako ljudi<br />

puno lakše zaspu kad im je tijelo u čvrstom<br />

položaju (iako mu je tu činjenicu mogao<br />

posvjedočiti svatko tko je ikad zaspao<br />

sjedeći u nekom prijevoznom sredstvu).<br />

Zahvaljujući tome zaključku, nastala je<br />

unaprijeđena verzija jakne Excubo čiji se<br />

ovratnik učas pretvara u čvrsti oklop ili naslonjač<br />

za glavu, a rukavi mogu funkcionirati<br />

kao učvršćivači obamrlih ruku. Idealno<br />

za metroe u pretrpanim velegradovima...<br />

40<br />

Aesthetics for<br />

Environment’s Sake<br />

The house design “Maul Dwellings’ Landscape House<br />

“win the international competition for “A House for an<br />

Ecologist“ announced by American Institute of Architecture<br />

(AIA). Sustainability and ecological acceptability<br />

became a “must“ in every area of life, but mostly are<br />

seen as technical or ethical agenda, while aesthetical<br />

issues are put aside. Just the latter fact motivated the<br />

experts from AIA to challenge gifted architects and students<br />

to propose design of an ecologically aware but,<br />

still – not less important – beautiful house. Hundreds of<br />

authors send their proposals to the competition, and the<br />

best house combines, as it was esteemed, both integrity<br />

and inspiration.<br />

A Good Night Jacket<br />

An author of the next invention must have been counting<br />

on the element of surprise when he invented a jacket<br />

that could be tighten up for – sleeping. Several years of<br />

researching brought him to the conclusion that people<br />

would much easier fall into a sleep when their bodies<br />

are in steady position<br />

(although anybody who<br />

once slept in public<br />

transport). As a result<br />

of previous conclusion,<br />

the improved version of<br />

Excubo jacket came to<br />

existence. Its collar will<br />

instantly turn into the<br />

firm armour or head rest,<br />

while sleeves can function<br />

as fixers for numb<br />

arms. Ideal for metros in<br />

overcrowded towns.

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