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The EU and Russia after Crimea: Is Ukraine the Knot? 15<br />

not only whether the EU understands Russia or not, but also<br />

whether Russia truly comprehends the EU. For years, Moscow has<br />

been insisting repeatedly on being treated as a normal<br />

partner/neighbour while constantly reiterating that Russia is a<br />

special actor. This self-perception clearly conflicts with the very<br />

rationale of the European project and explains why Russia<br />

couldn’t even envisage being just one among others in a European<br />

Neighbourhood Policy.<br />

The dominant perception among the European elites –<br />

somehow still under Gorbachev’s idea of a Common European<br />

Home − is that the EU has pursued a genuine commitment to<br />

progressive integration with Russia through the promotion of a<br />

peaceful space of shared prosperity with trade at its core. In<br />

Moscow, by contrast, an increasing disappointment has governed<br />

the official interpretation of the relationship and terms like<br />

‘humiliation’, ‘deception’ and ‘betrayal’ come forth recurrently.<br />

The landmarks of this perceived disloyalty are the NATO<br />

operation in Kosovo/Serbia, the expansions of the Alliance to<br />

include Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic in 1999 and the<br />

Baltic States in 2004, and finally the ‘color revolutions’ in the<br />

former Soviet space. The sum of it is what the influential Russian<br />

political scientist Sergey Karaganov calls a “Versailles with velvet<br />

gloves” 1 .<br />

While in the EU’s eyes the Eastern Partnership is an instrument<br />

that does not include the prospect of joining the European Union,<br />

for Moscow it represents a first step towards rapid integration into<br />

the EU that will, it presumes, be accompanied by membership in<br />

NATO. Brussels, along with most member states, has great<br />

problems understanding the existential fear the EU’s soft power in<br />

the post-Soviet space provokes in the Kremlin. From the<br />

Kremlin’s perspective, the ‘color revolutions’ are no more than a<br />

Western instrument for carrying out “post-modern coups d’état” in<br />

such a way that the role of local actors and the domestic roots of<br />

1 S. Karaganov, “Europe and Russia: Preventing a New Cold War”, Russia in Global<br />

Affairs, 7 June 2014, http://eng.globalaffairs.ru/number/Europe-and-Russia-<br />


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