Annual Report - CoBank

Annual Report - CoBank

Annual Report - CoBank


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The information in the tables under the Credit Quality, Aging Analysis and Impaired Loans captions is presented by operatingsegment, with guaranteed and non-guaranteed loans in our Agribusiness segment separately identified.Credit QualityThe following table presents our loans and related accrued interest classified, by management, pursuant to our regulator’sUniform Loan Classification System.Agribusiness Agribusiness Strategic RuralDecember 31, 2011 Non-Guaranteed Guaranteed Relationships Infrastructure TotalAcceptable $ 14,753,661 $ 2,850,689 $ 15,275,708 $ 12,019,166 $44,899,224Special Mention 824,133 43 - 135,331 959,507Substandard 473,432 - - 84,452 557,884Doubtful 16,047 - - 7,500 23,547Loss - - - - -Total $ 16,067,273 $ 2,850,732 $ 15,275,708 $ 12,246,449 $46,440,162December 31, 2010Acceptable $ 17,577,545 $ 3,385,473 $ 14,885,307 $ 11,688,197 $47,536,522Special Mention 1,192,436 208 399,787 177,407 1,769,838Substandard 564,926 266 150,100 99,416 814,708Doubtful 16,813 - - 25,920 42,733Loss - - - - -Total $ 19,351,720 $ 3,385,947 $ 15,435,194 $ 11,990,940 $50,163,801December 31, 2009Acceptable $ 12,278,589 $ 3,595,914 $ 15,319,728 $ 11,290,307 $42,484,538Special Mention 787,302 - - 98,540 885,842Substandard 811,229 - - 83,574 894,803Doubtful 39,705 - - 27,052 66,757Loss - - - - -Total $ 13,916,825 $ 3,595,914 $ 15,319,728 $ 11,499,473 $44,331,940Aging AnalysisThe following tables present an aging of past due loans and related accrued interest.Agribusiness Agribusiness Strategic RuralDecember 31, 2011 Non-Guaranteed Guaranteed Relationships Infrastructure Total30-89 Days Past Due $ 68,847 $ - $ - $ - $68,84790 Days Past Due 20,126 - - - 20,126Total Past Due $ 88,973 $ - $ - $ - $88,973Current 15,978,300 2,850,732 15,275,708 12,246,449 46,351,189Total $ 16,067,273 $ 2,850,732 $ 15,275,708 $ 12,246,449 $46,440,162Accruing Loans 90 Daysor More Past Due $ 114 $ - $ - $ - $114December 31, 201030-89 Days Past Due $ 8,606 $ - $ - $ - $8,60690 Days Past Due 5,664 - - 33,716 39,380Total Past Due $ 14,270 $ - $ - $ 33,716 $47,986Current 19,337,450 3,385,947 15,435,194 11,957,224 50,115,815Total $ 19,351,720 $ 3,385,947 $ 15,435,194 $ 11,990,940 $50,163,801Accruing Loans 90 Daysor More Past Due $ 681 $ - $ - $ - $681<strong>CoBank</strong> 2011 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>76

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