Corporate Governance and Access to Finance - ESBG

Corporate Governance and Access to Finance - ESBG

Corporate Governance and Access to Finance - ESBG


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The commercial success of a savings bank is deeply linked <strong>to</strong> the economicdevelopment of its region, since it cannot fall back on doing businessanywhere else. The Sparkasse therefore must have a significant interest ina positive economic development of this particular region. Thus a deeplywelcomed economic incentive <strong>to</strong> finance projects which are strengtheningthe economic potential of the respective region is established.It is not the first priority of the savings bank <strong>to</strong> make the highest possibleprofit, but <strong>to</strong> fulfil its task <strong>and</strong> accomplish its mission (i.e. <strong>to</strong> guaranteethe provision of financial services – ”<strong>Access</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Finance</strong>“). As far as surplusesdo not have <strong>to</strong> be retained in order <strong>to</strong> increase the capital base they willbe used for public welfare oriented purposes, especially in the area ofsocial <strong>and</strong> cultural engagement as well as promotion of sports.The savings bank is being committed <strong>to</strong> run a prudent <strong>and</strong> soundbusiness policy. Based on the savings banks laws of the Länder a numberof especially risk-taking activities are excluded or subject <strong>to</strong> restrictions. 36The Board of Administration carries out typical supervision <strong>and</strong> surveillancefunctions. It gives guidance for the business policy, decides on theappointment <strong>and</strong> the discharging of the Members of the Executive Board<strong>and</strong> decides on further issues as laid down in the legal framework:e.g. selling <strong>and</strong> mortgaging real estate, opening <strong>and</strong> closure of branches<strong>and</strong> generally speaking on the distribution of the surplus as well. The Boardof Administration consists (in most Länder) of representatives of themajor body of the Träger, citizens <strong>and</strong> for one third of representatives ofthe savings bank’s staff.The Board is in charge <strong>to</strong> manage the saving banks <strong>and</strong> is responsible forthe well-functioning <strong>and</strong> the success of the savings bank.All credit sec<strong>to</strong>r institutions (including the savings banks) are supervisedby the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht BaFin <strong>and</strong> theDeutsche Bundesbank. Apart from this supervision savings banks are inaddition supervised by the Sparkassenaufsicht of the Länder, whose taskit is <strong>to</strong> supervise that administration <strong>and</strong> management of the savingsbank is in line with the law <strong>and</strong> the statutes. 37 The Länder task is <strong>to</strong>control that the business is performed according <strong>to</strong> the savings bank law,while BaFIN has a financial stability perspective.36,37 Lohmiller, R.:”Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe: Rechtsgrundlagen der Sparkassen”, in:“Enzyklopädisches Lexikon des Geld-, Bank- und Börsenwesens“, 2007.116

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