Corporate Governance and Access to Finance - ESBG

Corporate Governance and Access to Finance - ESBG

Corporate Governance and Access to Finance - ESBG


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Financial sec<strong>to</strong>r policies that encourage competition, provide the rightincentives, <strong>and</strong> help overcome access barriers are central <strong>to</strong> attaining theabovementioned objectives.A financial system that lacks penetration beyond the higher incomesegments of population forces the majority of people <strong>to</strong> rely on less efficient,riskier <strong>and</strong> more expensive informal financial channels. WSBI memberscontribute <strong>to</strong> enhance formal access <strong>to</strong> financial services. This is the casefor example through microfinance activities, which represent a significantpart of savings banks’ business, especially in Latin America, where threeWSBI members have been forerunners of the microfinance industry intheir respective countries: Banco BCSC, formerly Banco Caja Social,in Colombia, the Cajas de Crédi<strong>to</strong>, represented by FEDECREDITO in ElSalvador <strong>and</strong> CMACs in Peru (see Box 4) 17 .BOX 5. CAJAS MUNICIPALES DE AHORRO Y CRÉDITO(CMACS) IN PERU<strong>Corporate</strong> <strong>Governance</strong>The supreme decree that regulates CMACs establishes asgoverning bodies the board of direc<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>and</strong> the joint management.A very interesting feature of CMACs is that despite having onlyone shareholder (the Municipality), the appointment process ofthe Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs involves different stakeholders. Thus, theboard consists of seven members: three elected by municipalrepresentatives (two elected by the majority <strong>and</strong> one by theminority, neither of them <strong>to</strong>wn councillors), one from the CatholicChurch, another from the Chamber of Commerce, <strong>and</strong> anotherfrom COFIDE (Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo, a second tierpublic bank) <strong>and</strong> finally one from the local association ofentrepreneurs representing the MSME business sec<strong>to</strong>r. This pluralitylimits political interference since the board represents the interest ofdifferent stakeholders, acting as checks <strong>and</strong> balances mechanism.17 For more information on WSBI members’ microfinance activities see Perspectives 59,July 2009 Beyond Microcredit: the role of savings banks in microfinance.www.wsbi.org/uploadedFiles/Publications_<strong>and</strong>_Research_(<strong>ESBG</strong>_only)/PERSPECTIVES%2059%20finallowres.pdf.64

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