Corporate Governance and Access to Finance - ESBG

Corporate Governance and Access to Finance - ESBG

Corporate Governance and Access to Finance - ESBG


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As of September of 2009, the twelve CMAC have 398 offices, 35.8 percentmore than in September of the previous year, of which 18 percent arelocated in Lima <strong>and</strong> 82 percent in the provinces. This geographicdistribution shows that CMAC have a broadly decentralized distributionnetwork <strong>and</strong> are committed <strong>to</strong> provide local <strong>and</strong> regional outreach.Agreements with non-banking correspondents (NBC) have beeninstrumental <strong>to</strong> the geographic diversification process in urban areas,which has only started. The agreements signed with NBC increase theoutreach <strong>and</strong> foster financial inclusion, but have some potentialdrawbacks that should be checked, like for example entering on<strong>to</strong> areaswhere the new entrant has no previous experience or knowledge, <strong>and</strong>obtains the marginal clients. The SBS is considering removing certainbarriers <strong>to</strong> the operational capability of NBC, like the opening ofaccounts, a move that would be positive for financial outreach.The alliance with Banco La Nación, a public bank, <strong>to</strong> use its branches inremote areas where it is the “Única Oferta Bancaria”– sole banking offer –has been positive <strong>and</strong> could be enhanced. However, this developmentshould be carefully assessed considering the long term synergies ofpotential partners.Some cajas are being particularly innovative in the implementation ofplans in their geographic expansion. For example, caja Sullana, is increasingits penetration by negotiating broader agreements with other networkssuch as pharmacies <strong>and</strong> gas stations under the new NBC regulation.To further exp<strong>and</strong> its network CMAC Sullana is also using their own“Oficinas de Informe”, which do not perform operations but study creditunderwriting <strong>and</strong> channel clients <strong>to</strong> the nearest branch or NBC. Some areacquiring CRACs as a way <strong>to</strong> increase outreach in rural areas. Caja Piura’splan <strong>to</strong> exp<strong>and</strong> its geographic coverage consists on moving from thecoast (the most developed <strong>and</strong> bankarised areas) <strong>to</strong> the interior (sierra(mountain) <strong>and</strong> selva (jungle) areas), which is less developed <strong>and</strong> lessbankarised. To rapidly increase its presence in rural areas CMAC Piura hasrecently acquired a CRAC (Caja Rural San Martín).Besides targeting segments of MES, which indirectly contributes <strong>to</strong> localentrepreneurship, CMAC reinvest a part of their profit in socio-economicdevelopment by financing projects in their provinces.151

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