Invasiveness Ranking System for Non-Native Plants of Alaska

Invasiveness Ranking System for Non-Native Plants of Alaska

Invasiveness Ranking System for Non-Native Plants of Alaska


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AcknowledgementsThe U.S. Forest Service, State and Private Forestry and the <strong>Alaska</strong> Natural Heritage Program, University <strong>of</strong> <strong>Alaska</strong>Anchorage provided financial support <strong>for</strong> this ef<strong>for</strong>t. Keith Boggs, Susan Klein, Chris McKee, and Erin Ulothmade valuable contributions and edits on this manuscript and on the species ranks. Robert Pattison and TrishWurtz made particularly insightful contributions to the manuscript. Annette Untalasco and Melinda Lamb madefinal <strong>for</strong>matting, design, and layout contributions.Literature CitedAKEPIC—<strong>Alaska</strong> Exotic Plant In<strong>for</strong>mation Clearinghouse. 2005. Invasive plants <strong>of</strong> <strong>Alaska</strong>. Carlson, M.L.,J. Heys, M. Shephard, and J. Snyder (eds.), <strong>Alaska</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> Conservation Districts Publication.Anchorage, <strong>Alaska</strong>. 294 p.Baker, H.G. 1974. The evolution <strong>of</strong> weeds. Annual Review <strong>of</strong> Ecology and <strong>System</strong>atics 5: 1-24.Brown, B. 2005. Update on orange hawkweed control project on Camp Island, Kodiak National WildlifeRefuge. Proceedings from the 6th Annual Statewide Noxious and Invasive <strong>Plants</strong> Management Workshop,Fairbanks, October 2005.Carlson, M.L. 2006. The spread <strong>of</strong> invasive plants in <strong>Alaska</strong>: Is establishment <strong>of</strong> exotics increasing? Presentations<strong>for</strong> 6th <strong>Alaska</strong> Noxious and Invasive <strong>Plants</strong> Management Workshop. Anchorage, <strong>Alaska</strong>.Carlson, M.L. and I. Lapina. 2004. Invasive non-native plants in the arctic: The intersection between natural andanthropogenic disturbance. Poster Presentation at the American Academy <strong>for</strong> the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Sciencemeeting. Anchorage, <strong>Alaska</strong>.Carlson, M.L. and M. Shephard. 2007. The spread <strong>of</strong> invasive exotic plants in <strong>Alaska</strong>: Is establishment <strong>of</strong> exoticsaccelerating? Harrington, T.B. and S.H. Reichard (tech. eds.). Meeting the Challenge: Invasive <strong>Plants</strong> inPacific Northwestern Ecosystems. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Gen. Tech.Rep. PNW-GTR-694.Conn, J.S. and M.L. Farris. 1995. Seed viability and dormancy <strong>of</strong> 17 weed species after 9.7 years <strong>of</strong> burial in<strong>Alaska</strong>. Weed Science. 43: 583–585.Cox, G.W. 1999. Alien species in North America and Hawaii: Impacts on natural ecosystems. Island Press.Cronk, Q. and J. Fuller. 1995. Plant invaders: the threat to natural systems. Chapman Hall, New York.D’Antonio, C.M. 1993. Mechanisms controlling invasion <strong>of</strong> coastal plant communities by the alien succulentCarpobrotus edulis. Ecology 74:83–95.D’Antonio, C.M. and L.A. Meyerson. 2002. Exotic Plant Species as Problems and Solutions in EcologicalRestoration: A Synthesis. Restoration Ecology 10: 703–713Darwin, C. 1859. The Origin <strong>of</strong> Species by Means <strong>of</strong> Natural Selection. Murray, London, UK.ENSR 2006. Invasive Plant Treatment Guide: National Wildlife Refuges in <strong>Alaska</strong>. U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceReport.Forcella, F. and J.T. Wood. 1984. Colonization potentials <strong>of</strong> alien weeds are related to their “native” distributions:implications <strong>for</strong> plant quarantine. Journal <strong>of</strong> the Australian Institute <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Science 50: 36–40.Galatowitsch, S.M., N.O. Anderson, and P.D. Ascher, 1999. <strong>Invasiveness</strong> in Wetland <strong>Plants</strong> in Temperate NorthAmerica, University <strong>of</strong> Minnesota. Wetlands 19: 733–755.Goodwin, B.J., A.J. McAllister, and L. Fahrig. 1999. Predicting invasiveness <strong>of</strong> plant species based on biologicalin<strong>for</strong>mation. Conservation Biology 13:422–426.Groves, R.H., F.D. Panetta, and J.G. Virtue. 2001. Weed Risk Assessment. CSIRO Publishing, Collingswood,Australia. 244 pp.21

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