Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org


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PRDA <strong>Manual</strong> 95Box A12. Rapid Diagnosis guidelines “STEP 2c”The Constraint Ranking exercise will be repeated several times with differentcategories of farmers to show up the differences <strong>and</strong> similarities between users.• Five farmers from the tail end of the irrigation scheme. Make sure theyinclude both rich <strong>and</strong> poor farmers.• Five farmers near the intake of the scheme.• Five female farmers.Pair-wise constraint rankingWhyThe purpose is identical to constraint ranking. Pair-wise constraint rankingcan be used to validate the outcomes of constraint ranking. Also, it can beuseful when farmers mention solutions only instead of constraints withconstraint ranking.Materials• Pen <strong>and</strong> paper cards.Process1. Start by briefly introducing the purpose of the tool. Make sure that itis clear to everyone.2. Name or present two cards with possible constraints that you identifiedin advance. Try to use peoples’ own names for constraints. Adjust thename of constraints when needed during the exercise.3. Ask farmers to state which of the two constraints is most important tothem <strong>and</strong> why. Take note of each “vote”.4. Repeat this procedure for as many constraint pairs needed until atrend is visible. Try to mix constraints as much as possible to preventstrategic voting.5. Write the results of each “vote” in a matrix <strong>and</strong> count how many timeseach constraint has “won” <strong>and</strong> how many times it has “lost.” Theresult is the basis for your ranking.Example (Table A15)

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