Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org


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56 Annex A. Description of toolsPlot areaSoils texture <strong>and</strong>plasticityPlant densityFarmers may be reluctant to tell the actual size of their plot. Itcan be useful, therefore, to check in a “disguised” manner.• Prepare yourself before going to the field by measuringthe average length of your steps. For this you need tocount your steps while walking 20 metres. Try to walk asconstantly as possible.• Estimate the length <strong>and</strong> width of the plot by walkinground it while counting your steps (length = number ofsteps x average step length).• The total area = length x width.• Irregular-shaped plots are more complex <strong>and</strong> requireimprovisation.• Try to roll a pipe of soils between your h<strong>and</strong>s. If it breaksthen the predominant texture is s<strong>and</strong>.• Try to make a loop (360 degrees turn) of the pipe. If thisis possible, then you are dealing with clay. Otherwise it isa loamy soil.• Measure the exact length <strong>and</strong> width of a rectangular partwithin a cropped plot using a centimetre.• Count the number of plants within the rectangle <strong>and</strong>calculate the plant density per square metre.• Compare with recommended planting distance inagronomic literature.• For crops planted in rows the distance between <strong>and</strong>within rows should be measured separately.Results are more accurate when a larger number ofindividual plants are included by using larger rectangles.However, a larger area also requires more counting time<strong>and</strong> effort.Yield Method 1:• Weigh all products coming from the field.Method 2: sub-sampling• Weigh yield only in pre-selected sub-sections of the plotin a known area.It is important to consider what “yield” to measure: totalbiomass, human consumable biomass, human consumablebiomass after cleaning/treatment.

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