Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org


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PRDA <strong>Manual</strong> 131PU12PU13PU14PU15PRDA <strong>Manual</strong> Annex C – Brief presentation of PRDA Training in Ethiopia <strong>and</strong> Kenya 13Post harvestprocessingDescribe: Crop type, processing technique, net value added.Calendartime linePost harvestlossesDescribe: Crop type, current conservation technique, net lost produce.Calendartime lineProductivityconstraintsCrop type1.Most important disease OR symptom if disease unknown. Main productivity (yield) constraint mentioned byfarmer.Calendartime line2.3.4.IntensificationconstraintsAre there intensification constraints due to? Reasons mentioned by farmers:- not growing cash crops YES/NOCalendartime line- not using agro-chemicals YES/NO- plot not weeded or wellmaintainedYES/NO

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