Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org


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PRDA <strong>Manual</strong> 159Annex CBrief presentation of PRDA Training in Ethiopia<strong>and</strong> KenyaOn-the-job training in PRDA was conducted as a component of the APPIAproject between December 2003 <strong>and</strong> March 2004 in Ethiopia <strong>and</strong> Kenya.This presentation aims to give indications to institutions <strong>and</strong> projects thatmight be interested in <strong>org</strong>anizing training courses in PRDA methodology.The main focus of the training was to enable participants to do a PRDA.Participants were front line extension workers, engineers, agronomists,economists or other professionals (in the case of Kenya, educated farmers)who seek to improve their work by evaluating past projects. This on-the jobtraining was based on “learning by doing” <strong>and</strong> “learning from each other”.During training sessions, due attention was given to the knowledge <strong>and</strong>experience of participants by building in time for trainees to share ideas <strong>and</strong>experience or to appeal to their respective expertise. To stimulate “learningby-doing”<strong>and</strong> make things practical, participants did a PRDA in groups ofapproximately four on a selected irrigation scheme between training courses.All groups presented a (realistic) <strong>action</strong> plan for their irrigation schemeduring the last course. The application of participative methods duringfieldwork enabled participants to learn from farmers <strong>and</strong> better underst<strong>and</strong>their practices.Partner <strong>org</strong>anizationsCooperation agreements were signed in both countries between the IWMI-APPIA project <strong>and</strong> regional institutions involved in irrigation development toselect irrigation schemes for PRDA, identify trainers, <strong>org</strong>anize training <strong>and</strong>select trainees. Working directly through local <strong>org</strong>anizations facilitated thedissemination of results to higher levels of involved <strong>org</strong>anizations.EthiopiaORDACo SAERAROrganization for Relief <strong>and</strong> Development of AmharaRegionCommission for Sustainable Agriculture <strong>and</strong>Environment Rehabilitation in Amhara Region.

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