Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org


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PRDA <strong>Manual</strong>xiiiAcronymsACCORDACSIAISCOAPPIAApproTECAWTIBoABoCCBOCIATCo SAERARDDCDPHADPPCEIER-ETSHERESRDFETOFSPCGMCGOKIDDILRIAfrican Centre for the Constructive Resolution ofDisputes (NGO)Amhara Credit <strong>and</strong> Savings Institution, EthiopiaAgricultural Input Supply Corporation, EthiopiaImproving Irrigation Performance in AfricaAppropriate Technologies for Entreprise CreationUniversity of Arba Minch, previously known asArba Minch Water Technology InstituteBureau of Agriculture, EthiopiaBureau of Cooperative Promotion, Amhara, EthiopiaCommunity-Based OrganizationCentro Internacional de Agricultura TropicalCommission for Sustainable Agriculture <strong>and</strong>Environment Rehabilitation of Amhara Region,EthiopiaDistrict Development Committee (Garissa District,Kenya)Development <strong>and</strong> Promotion of HorticultureAssociation, KenyaDisaster Preparedness <strong>and</strong> Prevention Commission,EthiopiaGroup resulting from the merging of the RuralEquipment Engineering School (EIER) <strong>and</strong> theSchool for Higher Technicians of Water <strong>and</strong> RuralEquipment (ETSHER), Burkina Faso.Ethiopia Social Rehabilitation <strong>and</strong> DevelopmentFundEvapotranspirationFood Security Planning Commission, EthiopiaGarissa Municipal CouncilGovernment of KenyaIrrigation <strong>and</strong> Drainage Department (Ministry ofWater & Irrigation)International Livestock Research Institute

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