Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org


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PRDA <strong>Manual</strong> 65Crop rotation calendarWhyTo get a long-term picture of the farming system calendar <strong>and</strong> importanthistorical events for individuals.How to1. Start by briefly introducing the purpose of the tool. Make sure that itis clear to everyone.2. Draw a vertical line on a piece of paper <strong>and</strong> divide it into sections,each representing one year (or ten years if you want to go back far intime.)3. Ask farmers to name important events that occurred during the periodof the historical calendar. Usually it is more important to know thesequence of events than to have accurate dates.4. Ask farmers to indicate for each year the properties of their irrigatedcropping system that you want to monitor (water shortages, crop type,conflicts in the WUA, etc.).ExampleNote the change of dry season crop choice following the upgrading of thescheme <strong>and</strong> establishment of a nursery site. If, as in this example, a farmercomplains year after year about water shortage, it is important to ask additionalquestions on the causes <strong>and</strong> cross-check the information (Table A6).

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