Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org

Manual - Participatory rapid diagnosis and action ... - FAO.org


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PRDA <strong>Manual</strong> 73Table A8. Historical trend of Gologota Irrigation Scheme:environmental indicatorsIndicators Today 10 years ago 20 years agoPopulationdensityHighlyincreasingAverageLowFood security Food secure Food secure Food insecureRainfall Insufficient Sufficient AbundantYields of maincropsAverage Average HighSoil fertility Low Average HighPasture l<strong>and</strong>areaGrass for houseroofingN° of cattleheadsFirewoodInexistent Scarce SufficientInexistent Limited AbundantSmall Average HighUnavailable inthe areaAvailable but inlimited quantityAvailableThe area is food secure despite increasing population <strong>and</strong> decreasing soilfertility, compensated by more <strong>and</strong> more massive use of chemical fertilizers.Irrigation had a negative impact on the environment.Cost benefit analysisWhyTo evaluate the profitability of crops selected by farmers.How to1. Decide what type of cost <strong>and</strong> benefits to include <strong>and</strong> exclude.2. Prepare a list of questions for the farmers.3. Try to complete the list of questions together with a farmer for oneselected crop during an interview.4. Analyse the outcome of the interview.

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