Inspiring Leadership in Immigrant Communities - ILRC

Inspiring Leadership in Immigrant Communities - ILRC

Inspiring Leadership in Immigrant Communities - ILRC

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<strong>Inspir<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Immigrant</strong> <strong>Communities</strong>January 2003Appendix 6-DTips for Writ<strong>in</strong>g Advocacy Letters• Make your letter personal; petitions and mass-produced postcards receive little attention, buta hand-written or typed personal letter bears much weight.• Be specific - one concern per letter; be concise (one page maximum) and precise; cite aspecific piece of legislation if already <strong>in</strong>troduce d<strong>in</strong> House or Senate, such as --HR 235” orSB 100”.• F<strong>in</strong>d out what committees your Representative or Senator is on. Address them on pert<strong>in</strong>entissues early on <strong>in</strong> the legislative process.• Be courteous and acknowledge achievements with gratitude. Be positive, avoid criticism.• Phone calls to the Wash<strong>in</strong>gton office of the Senator or Representative are important whenvotes are imm<strong>in</strong>ent: state your name, city/town, your request for the legislator to vote aparticular way on a bill, Ask to speak to the particular legislative assistant for that issue;aga<strong>in</strong>, make your case concisely. How will this bill impact your congressperson’sdistrict/state or you as a constituent?• Write to your district offices of your senators and representatives. Your letter may get morenotice at the district office.• Write back to the Congressperson if his or her answer was vague, or you want to address thespecific staff member who works on your issue, or you want to THANK HIM OR HER.• Use electronic mail as you can, though your Congressperson is usually not able to write apersonal reply over e-mail.• You may contact any member of Congress, not just your own.• You may also contact Congress even if you are not an American citizen. The Constitutionrequires Congresspersons to represent everyone liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> their constituency, not just citizens.REMEMBER: Your voice is heard and it counts! Your pleas and stories can change attitudesand votes--as well as support and re<strong>in</strong>force. Staff workers <strong>in</strong> Congress often say that onepersonal letter represents 5.000 constituents!App.6-D-1

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