R E - R E A D E R - Biro Beograd

R E - R E A D E R - Biro Beograd

R E - R E A D E R - Biro Beograd


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all aspects of authority and hierarchy, which<br />

means it is against state, against capital,<br />

against church, and, important for feminism,<br />

against patriarchy. However, like all<br />

the movements of that time, historical anarchism<br />

was a male- dominated movement<br />

and the male anarchists didn’t write anything<br />

or go into any detail concerning the<br />

future position of women. Ultimately, they<br />

were only children of their time.<br />

Proudhon, the founder of anarchism, was<br />

overtly misogynous and wished it to be understood<br />

that women can only be mothers or<br />

whores; he wanted to change all the values<br />

of society, but not the relations within the<br />

family. Women anarchists were confronted<br />

with discrimination – with sexism, however<br />

you wish to call it, in anarchist circles, and<br />

of course in relation to society, which was<br />

radically different. They wrote much more<br />

about the question of women, and in a more<br />

detailed way, than male anarchists.<br />

…<br />

In the eighties of the 19 th century, the center<br />

of the anarchist movement moved from Europe<br />

to America, following the big emigration<br />

from Russia and Central Europe. The<br />

departing emigrants carried with them new<br />

ideas about socialism, social democracy and<br />

anarchism.<br />

Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman and<br />

many other future anarchists arrived in<br />

19<br />

i svi pokreti tog doba, muški dominantan<br />

pokret i muškarci anarhisti nisu mnogo pisali<br />

niti ulazili u detalje u vezi sa budućim<br />

položajem žena, na kraju krajeva oni jesu<br />

bili samo ljudi svoga doba. Osnivač anarhizma<br />

Prudon je bio otvoreno protiv žena, on<br />

je poručio da žene mogu biti samo majke<br />

ili kurve, hteo je da promeni sve vrednosti<br />

društva, ali nije hteo da promeni odnose u<br />

porodici. Žene anarhistkinje su se susretale<br />

sa diskriminacijom – seksizmom, kako god<br />

to nazvali, kako u okviru anarhističkog pokreta<br />

tako naravno u odnosu na društvo koje<br />

je bilo radikalno drugačije. One su pisale o<br />

ženskom pitanju, mnogo više i mnogo detaljnije<br />

nego što su muškarci anarhisti pisali.<br />

80ih godina 19. veka težište anarhističkog<br />

pokreta se iz Evrope, usled velike emigracije<br />

iz Rusije i iz centralne Evrope, seli u Ameriku.<br />

Emigranti odlaze u Ameriku noseći sa<br />

sobom nove ideje socijalizma, socijaldemokratije<br />

i anarhizma.<br />

Ema Goldman i Aleksandar Berkman, kao i<br />

mnogi drugi budući anarhisti i anarhistkinje<br />

stižu u Ameriku koja tada proživljava burno<br />

doba industrijalizacije. To je doba velike<br />

političke aktivnosti sindikata, štrajkova,<br />

mitinga, bombi… Ema Goldman direktno iz<br />

Petrogradske fabrike dolazi u američku fabriku,<br />

razočarenje je veliko. Bežeći od jedne<br />

bede i jedne eksploatacije stiže se u drugu<br />

eksploataciju. Posle bombi na Hejmarketu<br />

1887. i pod uticajem montiranog sudskog<br />

procesa i izricanja smrtne kazne 4 anarhiste

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