R E - R E A D E R - Biro Beograd

R E - R E A D E R - Biro Beograd

R E - R E A D E R - Biro Beograd


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What has all this to do with anarchism?<br />

Not too much. In my opinion, approaching<br />

anarchism means to do something for the<br />

community, but in the community there<br />

are not only anarchists. It is important that<br />

things that are reserved for the rich can<br />

be used by the whole community. For that<br />

we are spreading wireless internet through<br />

the whole city. Who likes to, can put up an<br />

antenna at home and have internet access<br />

through us. We have internet connection<br />

via the Croatian Academic Network we are<br />

collaborating with in the wireless project.<br />

Together with CARNet we set up a number<br />

of antennas in the city and of course on the<br />

top of Rojc. If somebody likes, we can install<br />

it, if we have time, of course. At our Hacklab<br />

took place the international hacker meeting<br />

in 2004 (Trans Hack Meeting – www.transhackmeeting.org),<br />

bringing together about<br />

300 hackers from whole Europe. The ideas of<br />

the meeting were autonomy and do it yourself<br />

(DIY). Everybody cooked and cleaned,<br />

had all rights and duties and all decisions<br />

were made in consensus. The participants<br />

were mainly programmers and experts<br />

and all of them could earn a heap of euros<br />

monthly somewhere, but they preferred<br />

to give their knowledge to the community<br />

by creating software that is free and gratis<br />

and to build up hacklabs in Europe that offer<br />

free access to the internet. This is how<br />

we imagine our Hacklab and what we offer<br />

there. There is the possibility that people set<br />

up computer or we do it. We collect old computers<br />

that people throw away but that are<br />

still very useful. People who have too much<br />

money constantly exchange old things and<br />

buy new computers. In addition we offer web<br />

space, email, mailing lists etc for initiatives<br />

that are useful for the community.<br />

There was an tragic incident in 2004, when<br />

two young people left the Rojc at 4 in the<br />

night. They were heavily attacked by a group<br />

46<br />

postoje i organizacije koje su uspele nekako<br />

legalizirati svoj privatni biznis, kroz priču o<br />

civilnom društvu.<br />

Kakve sve ovo ima veze sa anarhizmom? Pa<br />

ne baš previše velike. Po meni, približavati<br />

se anarhizmu znači djelovati za zajednicu,<br />

a u zajednici nema samo anarhista. Važno<br />

je da stvari koje spadaju u eksluzivu nekih<br />

bogatih, cela zajednica može koristiti. Tako<br />

mi npr. širimo gradom wireless mrežu. Ko<br />

se hoće doma spojiti i postaviti antenu, može<br />

se preko nas prikačiti na internet. Internet<br />

dobijamo preko Hrvatske akademske mreže<br />

jer s njima surađujemo na wireless projektu.<br />

Zajedno sa CARNetom montirali smo više<br />

antena po gradu, kao i naravno na vrhu Rojca,<br />

te ako neko hoće možemo mu ih montirati.<br />

Naravno, ako imamo vremena. Kod nas<br />

je 2004. bio i međunarodni hakerski miting<br />

(Trans Hack Meeting - www.transhackmeeting.org),<br />

na kojem se skupilo oko 300 hackera<br />

iz cele Evrope. Ideje autonomije i do it<br />

yourself (DIY), bile su prisutne tokom meetinga.<br />

Tu se kuhalo, tj. svako je kuhao i čistio,<br />

prava i dužnosti imao je svako a svaka odluka<br />

se donosila konsenzusom. Sudionici koji<br />

su došli su većinom programeri i stručnjaci<br />

i svako od njih bi mogao negde zarađivati<br />

na tisuće eura mesečno, ali rađe poklanjaju<br />

svoje znanje zajednici kreiranjem softwera<br />

koji je slobodan i besplatan, te postavljanjem<br />

hacklabova u Evropi koji nude besplatan<br />

pristup internetu. Mi ovako zamišljamo<br />

naš Hacklab i sve ovo nudimo u Hacklabu.<br />

Imamo mogućnosti da ljudi si mogu sklopiti<br />

kompjutor, ili ga mi sklapamo. Sakupljamo<br />

stare kompjutere koji ljudi bacaju i koji se<br />

odlično mogu iskoristiti. Oni često više<br />

nisu potrebni ljudima sa viškom novca koji<br />

non-stop menjaju svoje stare i kupuju nove<br />

kompjutere. Uz to, kod nas se može dobiti<br />

web prostor, e-mail, mailing liste... ako je<br />

inicijativa korisna za zajednicu.<br />

Jedan tragičan događaj se desio 2004. godine

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