R E - R E A D E R - Biro Beograd

R E - R E A D E R - Biro Beograd

R E - R E A D E R - Biro Beograd


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1997 we had to found a citizen’s group to<br />

be able to go on with the organisation of<br />

concerts and we registered an organisation<br />

named Monteparadiso. In this time it was<br />

most important for us to work with music,<br />

which was the height of activism for us,<br />

punk bands singing something about anarchism.<br />

We quickly understood that this was<br />

not enough for us and that we would like to<br />

do something more. 1999 we moved from<br />

the fortress to the former barracks Karlo<br />

Rojc. The barracks were built in the end of<br />

the 19 th century and during the history there<br />

were stationed the austrian-hungarian, italian<br />

and in the end, until 1991, the Yugoslavian<br />

army. To the Rojc first moved refugees<br />

from Bosnia, who stayed until 1996. After<br />

that the building was more or less neglected,<br />

it remained only organisations that had been<br />

doing humanitarian work while the refugees<br />

lived there.<br />

In the void between the refugees and some<br />

general undefined status of the building,<br />

the first ones that started to work there were<br />

various bands and other organisations. The<br />

city gouvernement told us that we would<br />

have to pay 15 kuna/m² for a space of 100m².<br />

We moved in, but never wanted to pay. We<br />

took 400m² more to go on with other activities<br />

and helped also other organisations to<br />

44<br />

bilo šta želi. Tako je to trajalo nekoliko godina<br />

i bilo uglavnom vezano za muziku.<br />

1997. godine bili smo primorani osnovati<br />

udrugu građana da bi mogli nastaviti sa<br />

organizovanjem koncerata. Tada smo registrirali<br />

organizaciju pod imenom Monteparadiso.<br />

U to vreme nam je bilo najbitnije da se<br />

bavimo muzikom i ona nam je predstavljala<br />

vrhunac aktivizma, sa nekoliko hardcore<br />

punk bendova koji nešto pijevaju o anarhiji.<br />

Ubrzo smo shvatili da nam to nije dovoljno i<br />

da želimo da radimo neke druge stvari. 1999.<br />

godine smo se preselili sa tvrđave u bivšu<br />

kasarnu Karlo Rojc. Kasarna je napravljena<br />

krajem 19. stoleća. U kasarni je kroz istoriju<br />

bila stacionirana austrougarska i talijanska<br />

vojska i na kraju do 1991. godine jugoslavenska<br />

vojska. U Rojc su se uselile prvo izbeglice<br />

iz Bosne, koje su ostale do 1996. Nakon toga<br />

zgrada je bila više manje napuštena, ostale su<br />

samo organizacije koje su se bavile humanitarnim<br />

radom za vrijeme dok su izbeglice<br />

bile tamo.<br />

U praznini između izbeglica i općeg nekog<br />

nedefiniranog statusa zgrade, počeli su prvo<br />

unutra raditi različiti bendovi i neke druge<br />

organizacije. Gradska vlast nam je rekla, da<br />

ako želimo prostor od 100 kvm onda moramo<br />

platiti 15 kuna po metru kvadratnom. Mi

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