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Mindset Masters winning shot and he missed. One of the very best basketball players ever was also the one with the most missed shots. Winning also means a willingness to risk. Michael was willing to risk it on every throw to the hoop. His willingness to risk did not stop there. He left basketball to play professional baseball, but that didn’t work out so well. He later returned to basketball. After retiring again, he took on a basketball operations role that would also have less than stellar success. Not to be slowed down, Jordan returned to playing basketball once again and continued to play at a champion level beyond forty years old. Next time you are hesitating, take the shot. Success Without Legacy Is Failure Ancient wisdom says to do what you love and you will never work a day in your life. This may be true, but it does not guarantee that you will be successful. What it neglects is the connection between your passion and your purpose in life. Success is a dynamic and comprehensive definition. It includes, but is not limited to, financial, fulfillment, purpose, positive impact, connection, love and legacy. What could be more meaningless than a life wasted on an unrewarding job just to pay the bills? What could be more soul sucking than living day after day without purpose? And yet, many people go through life like this with their eyes wide shut. Many of my clients seek me out when they find themselves at a transition in life. They are looking for a way to stop the mundane and start thinking about how to get more out of life now. They also wonder what they can do that is “bigger than 120

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