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Mindset Masters About Toni Emerson Toni Emerson, an expert in the field of personal transformation, lives what she shares. She has been perfecting this material for years and now offers it to the world through workshops, speaking engagements, and coaching programs. Toni has over 25 years of meditation experience, deep spiritual practice and self-­‐development work and is uniquely qualified to share the message of unconditional Love. By connecting to the immutable presence of Love in her life, Toni overcame a heroin addiction, alcoholism, a life-­‐threatening chronic illness and divorce. Toni is a successful businesswoman with multiple income streams, an inspiring holistic coach and an engaging speaker. She is an author, a regular blogger on Huffington Post, and has a growing following on Facebook and Twitter. Contact information: Website: Facebook: Twitter: www.ToniEmerson.com http://www.facebook.com/toni.emerson2 @Toni_Emerson 64

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