CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association


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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SChapter 10Growth and DevelopmentOBJECTIVES• Describe and understand the four main areas of development• Recognize that there are differences in the levels of physical, mental, social and emotionaldevelopment between and within players• Identify the key characteristics of the four growth and development stages of athletes• Develop guidelines to meet the players’ needs during the four developmental stages.INTRODUCTIONHaving a positive and effective relationship withyour players is necessary to ensure that they receivethe most from their hockey participation.Understanding your players’ levels of physical,mental, social, and emotional development, thendesigning guidelines to meet your athletes’developmental needs, will help to establish asatisfying relationship with your players.Upon completion of this chapter, you will bebetter prepared to:• describe and understand the four mainareas of development;- physical,- mental,- social,- emotional,• recognize that there are differences in thelevels of physical, mental, social andemotional development between and withinplayers,• identify the key characteristics of the fourgrowth and development states of athletes;- pre-adolescence,- early adolescence,- middle adolescence,- late adolescence,• develop guidelines to meet the players’needs during the four developmental stages.AREAS OF DEVELOPMENTTo understand the growth and development of ayoung hockey player it is helpful to understand thefour main areas of development:• Physical: height, strength, and weight• Mental: thinking and understanding• Social: interacting with others• Emotional: feelings and attitudesAs is illustrated in Figure 1, the overalldevelopment of each player is influenced by aconstant interaction between the four areas ofdevelopment.What is physical development?Physical development describes the changeswhich take place in the physiological makeup of anindividual. Physical development is measured bysuch factors as height, weight, body build, strength,endurance, flexibility, rate of physical maturation,Growth and Fitness Development | 83

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