CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association


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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SChapter 5Building Self-EsteemOBJECTIVES• Identify the primary processes which influence the development of an athlete’s self-esteemincluding social acceptance, social reinforcement and social comparison• Develop techniques through the use of these processes to assist players in the developmentof high levels of self-esteemAn athlete’s personality can be defined as thesum total of those attributes that make the individualunique. Self-image and self-esteem are twoimportant components of each athlete’s personality.Self-Image: How one perceives or views oneselfSelf-Esteem: How one feels about oneselfThe key difference between the above twocomponents of a player’s personality is that selfesteembrings into play self-evaluation or selfappraisal.Upon completion of this chapter, you will bebetter prepared to:• identify the primary processes whichinfluence the development of an athlete’sself-esteem;- social acceptance,- social reinforcement,- social comparison,• develop techniques through the use of theseprocesses to assist players in thedevelopment of high levels of self-esteem.CHARACTERISTICS OF SELF-ESTEEM• A high level of self-esteem is characterizedby positive feelings about oneself.• Self-esteem is learned. It is acquired throughpersonal experiences and feedback fromimportant people (e.g., parents, peers, andcoaches) in one’s life.• Self-esteem can be changed.• Self-esteem is extremely important as itaffects one’s motivation, learning,performance, personal relationship, and lifesatisfaction.HOW DOES SELF-ESTEEM DEVELOP?Young hockey players receive feedback throughconstant interaction with their physical and socialenvironment which provides them with informationabout what they are capable of doing and howothers view them. The individuals in an athlete’s lifewho are most important in shaping a player’s selfesteemare parents, teachers, coaches, and peers.The three main processes which influence thedevelopment of one’s self-esteem are socialacceptance, social reinforcement, and socialcomparison.Sport Psychology | 41

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