CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association


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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SRWRDFigure 30b. Collapsing “box” coverage.It is important for the defense to avoid chasingthe puck and to recognize that the objective is notto prevent any shots on goal, but to prevent theshot from the slot, and/or a good scoringopportunity.When your opponent has a two-playeradvantage, the usual approach is to put your fastestplayer out as a forward and have him/her chase thepuck. In the defensive zone, the three defenders tryto maintain a triangle. One point of the triangle ison the puck and the other points cover the front ofthe net. (See Figure 31). Be sure the three playersyou have on the ice are the quickest and most agileavailable at the time.LDLWREFERENCESSmith, M.; (1982) Teaching <strong>Hockey</strong> Systems, St. Paul, MN.<strong>Hockey</strong> BooksSmith, M.; (1984) <strong>Hockey</strong> Play Book, St. Paul, MN. <strong>Hockey</strong> BooksHorsky, L.; Blase, K.; Vairo, L. (1984) Attack and Defense in Ice<strong>Hockey</strong>, Colorado Springs, CO - USA <strong>Hockey</strong>Vairo, L.; (1982) The Principles of Modern American <strong>Hockey</strong>, ColoradoSprings, CO - USA <strong>Hockey</strong>Chapter 24Face-OffsINTRODUCTIONFace-offs involve gaining possession of the puckin order to create scoring chances or eliminate ascoring chance from your opponent.There are many ways to accomplish these goalsby your center winning the face-off, by having yourwings and defensemen move in to gain possessionduring a face-off. Conversely, all the players reactingpositively after losing a face-off so that they have theopportunity to quickly regain possession of thepuck.CRITICAL OBJECTIVES1. Have your best face-off person take the faceoffwhere ever it may be on the ice.2. Have your two best face-off people on theice at all critical times in case one of yourbest gets thrown out of the face-off circle.3. Every player on the ice needs to know eachof their responsibilities whether you win orlose the face-off.4. Be aware of scoring chances created fromface-offs during a game.5. Be aware of your opponents scoring chancesfrom face-offs.OBJECTIVES• Provide the objective of face-offs• Outline the responsibilities of playes during a face-off• Provide face-offs in various situationsIMPROVING FACE-OFFSIf you want to improve your team’s face-offsthere are three critical components to address:• focus• set objectives• having players value the importance of thispart of the gameWays to improve your teams focus and overallperformance are to set face-off objectives. Anobjective can be to win 60% of all face-offs.Talk about the importance of face-off playduring the course of a game. Reward goodexecution. Spend time practicing the tech-niquesand tactics of face-offs.Finally, make face-off success a matter of pridewith your team. It can represent partial victory inany game which was won or lost.ZONE OBJECTIVES• Defensive Zone: limit the possibility ofallowing a scoring chance against your team.You have a chance to start a successfulattack.276 | USA <strong>Hockey</strong> Coaching Education Program <strong>Level</strong> 3 <strong>Manual</strong>Defensive Team Tactics | 277

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