CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association


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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SDouble Leg HopsEquipment: NonePLYOMETRIC EXERCISESStart: Stand with feet shoulder-widthapart.Action: Squat down and jump as farforward as possible. Immediately upontouching down, jump forward again. Usequick double arm swings and keep landingsshort. Do in multiples of three to fivejumps.Tuck Jump with Heel KickEquipment: NoneStart: Stand with feet shoulder-width apartand the body in a straight vertical positionwith arms by your sides.Action: Keeping the knees pointed down(still in line with the body), jump and kickthe buttocks with the heels. Repeat thejump immediately. This is a quick-steppingaction from the knees and lower legs.Swing the arms up as you jump.Lateral Jump Over BarrierEquipment: One cone or hurdle.Start: Stand alongside the object to becleared.Action: Jumping vertically but pushingsideways off the ground, bring the kneesup to jump sideways over the barrier.Two-Foot Ankle HopEquipment: NoneStart: Stand with feet shoulder-width apartand the body in a vertical position.Action: Using only the ankles formomentum, hop continuously in one place.Extend the ankles to their maximum rangeon each vertical hop.Tuck Jump with Knees UpEquipment: NoneStart: Stand with feet shoulder-widthapart and the body in a vertical position;do not bend at the hips.Action: Jump up, bringing the knees upto the chest and grasping the knees withthe hands before the feet return to thefloor. Land in a standing vertical position,without any forward bend. Repeat thejump immediately.Split Squat JumpEquipment: NoneStart: Spread the feet far apart, front toback, and bend the front leg 90 degrees atthe hip and 90 degrees at the knee.Action: Jump up, using arms to help lift,hold the slip-squat position. Land in thesame position and immediately repeat thejump.Hexagon DrillEquipment: A hexagon of tape on thefloor with sides about 24 inches long.Start: Stand in the center of the hexagonwith feet shoulder-width apart.Action: Jump across one side of thehexagon and back to center then proceedaround each side of the hexagon. This maybe done for a specific number of completetrips around the hexagon or for total time.435START261152 | USA <strong>Hockey</strong> Coaching Education Program <strong>Level</strong> 3 <strong>Manual</strong>Growth and Fitness Development | 153

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