CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association


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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SUPPER BODY STRETCHESChest, Shoulders, Arms, & Upper BackUPPER BODY STRETCHESTorso (Abdominals & Lower Back)Lateral shoulder• Lie on your back on a tablewith your head hanging overthe edge.• Hold the stretch and relax.• Kneel on all fours, extend your arms forward. and lower yourchest to the floor.• Exhale, extend your shoulders. and press on the floor with yourarms to arch your backShoulder internalrotators (anterior)• Sit on a chair with your right handgrasping the lowest part of thechair frame to stabilize your rightshoulder.Upper back• Kneel on all fours with your toes pointing backward.• Inhale, contract your abdominals. and round your back.• Exhale, relax your abdominals, and return to the “flat back” position.• Place your left hand on the upperright side of your head.• Exhale and pull the left side ofyour head onto your left shoulder.NOTEThe stretch will be dissipatedupon release of the chair.Lower Back Stretch• Lie face down on a table with yourupper torso extended over the edge,grasping a stretching stick that restsacross your shoulders.• Sit or stand with one arm flexedbehind your back and grasp theelbow from behind with youropposite hand.• Exhale and pull your elbowacross the midline of your back.Grasp your wrist if you are unableto reach your elbow.• Stand with your back to a door frame.• Rest one hand against the door framewith your arm internally rotated at theshoulder. your forearm extended. andyour hand pronated with your thumbpointing down. Exhale and attempt toroll your biceps so they face upward.• Exhale as you slowly twist your uppertorso as high as possible and return tothe starting position.NOTEThis stretch is great for the motion ofshooting the puck• Sit or stand, flex your right arm, andraise your elbow to chest height.• Flex and raise your left arm so itselbow can support your right elbow.Intertwine your forearms so your lefthand grasps your right wrist.• Exhale and pull your wrist outward anddownward.• Sit on the floor with a large Swiss ballagainst your lower back and yourhands interlocked behind your head.elbows facing forward.• Inhale, extend your thighs. raise yourbuttocks off the floor, roil the ball.and achieve a neutral position. Theball should be under your shoulderblades (scapula), with your lumbarspine flat. your knees flexed at 90degrees, and your elbows abducted.NOTEYou should feel the stretch in theupper chest area.• Sit with both arms flexed andyour hands interlockedbehind your head.• Your partner grasps bothelbows and pulls them backwardtoward each other.164 | USA <strong>Hockey</strong> Coaching Education Program <strong>Level</strong> 3 <strong>Manual</strong>Growth and Fitness Development | 165

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