CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association

CEP Level 3 Manual - Rushmore Hockey Association


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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S2. BLISTERSDefinition• localized collection of fluid in the outerportion of the skinSymptoms• redness• inflammation• oozing of fluid• discomfortCare• clean the site with disinfectant• use a sterile needle and puncture the blisterat the edge; force the fluid out• put disinfectant on the area• cover the area with a band-aid• alter the cause of the problem when possible(i.e., proper size and/or shape of the skates)Return to Action• immediately, unless pain is severe3. BRUISEDefinition• a bruising of the skin caused by a direct blowSymptoms• tenderness around the injury• swelling• localized painCare• Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation(R.I.C.E.) for first 3 days• contrast treatments for days 4-8• restricted activity, protective paddingReturn to Action• when there is complete absence of pain andfull range of motion4. DENTAL INJURYDefinition• any injury to mouth or teethSymptoms• pain• bleeding• loss of tooth (partial or total)Care• clear the airway where necessary• stop the bleeding with direct pressure, (makesure excess blood does not clog airway)• save any teeth that were knocked free; storethem in moist, sterile cloth. They may bereinserted in some cases.• transport to hospitalReturn to Action• when pain is gone - usually within 2-3 days• permission of a dentist5. DISLOCATIONDefinition• loss of normal anatomical alignmentSymptoms• complaints of joint slipping in and out(subluxation)• joint out of line• pain at the jointCare• mild– treat as a sprain (R.I.C.E.)– obtain medical care• severe– immobilize before moving– needs to be treated by a physician– obtain medical care (do not attemptto put joint back into place)Return to Action• subluxation: go by pain level, range ofmotion and strength; if no pain, has full rangeof motion and strength returned to 95% ofsame joint on opposite side of body, playermay return to action• severe: surgery may be necessary, six weeksis usually the minimum recovery time; fullrange of motion must be present, full strengthmust be present; doctor’s permission isrequired to resume practice6. FRACTUREDefinition• a crack or complete break in a bone. Asimple fracture is a broken bone, but withunbroken skin. A compound fracture is abroken bone and broken skin.Symptoms• pain at fracture site• tenderness, swelling• deformity or unnatural position• loss of function in injured area• open wound, bleeding (compound)• a simple fracture may not be evidentimmediately. If localized pain persists, obtainmedical assistanceReturn to Action• full range of motion is present• strength must be returned to pre-injury levelsthroughout the entire range of motion ofadjoining joints• permission of a physician7. HEAD INJURY - CONSCIOUSDefinition• any injury which causes the player to beunable to respond in a coherent fashion toknown facts (names, date, etc.)Symptoms• dizziness• pupils unequal in size and/or non-responsiveto light and dark• disoriented• unsure of name, date, or activity• unsteady movement of eyeballs when tryingto follow a finger moving in front of eyes• same symptoms as noted for back or neckinjury may be presentCare• if above symptoms are present, player maybe moved carefully when dizzinessdisappears. Players with head injuries shouldbe removed from further practice orcompetition that day and should be carefullyobserved.• obtain medical assistanceReturn to Action• permission of a physician– R.I.C.E.68 | USA <strong>Hockey</strong> Coaching Education Program <strong>Level</strong> 3 <strong>Manual</strong>Risk Management | 69

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