Inaugural ASAS–CAAV Asia Pacif ic Rim Conference Abstracts

Inaugural ASAS–CAAV Asia Pacif ic Rim Conference Abstracts

Inaugural ASAS–CAAV Asia Pacif ic Rim Conference Abstracts

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T215 Induction of system<strong>ic</strong> immune responses of m<strong>ic</strong>e bysubcutaneous route with Lactococcus lactis expressing FaeG. L. Shu-jie,L. Yong-ming, X. Zi-wei*, and W. Yi-cheng, Institution of Husbandry andVeterinary, Zhejiang Academy of Agr<strong>ic</strong>ultural Science, Hangzhou, ZhejiangProvince, China.Diarrhea of newly weaned piglets caused by enterotoxigen<strong>ic</strong> Escher<strong>ic</strong>hia coli(ETEC) is one major cause leading to severe econom<strong>ic</strong> losses in the swineindustry. FaeG is the major F4 fimbrial subunit and considered a prospectivevaccine candidate to prevent ETEC infections in piglets. Lactococcus lactis (L.lactis) is a safe antigen delivery veh<strong>ic</strong>le. In this study, we used nisin-controlledgene expression system to produce FaeG and test it antigen<strong>ic</strong>ity. The FaeG genewas amplified by PCR from ETEC C83907, inserted into pNZ8112 of L. lactissecretion vector with usp45 signal sequence, and transformed into L. lactisNZ9000. After recombinant stain was induced with 5 ng/mL of nisin for 3 h, thestain pellet and culture supernatant were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The resultshowed that FaeG protein was detected in the cytoplasm (approximately 27kD) and not detected in the supernatant. The amount of FaeG protein was up to13.56% of the total cellular soluble protein. The Western blot analysis ind<strong>ic</strong>atedthat the protein possesses good reactionogen<strong>ic</strong>ity. To test recombinant FaeGantigen<strong>ic</strong>ity, 30 female BALB/c m<strong>ic</strong>e aged 6 wk were divided into 3 groupsfor subcutaneous immunization. One group received 1.5× 10 8 cfu of L. lactisexpressing FaeG, and 2 control groups received PBS or ident<strong>ic</strong>al quantities ofL. lactis harboring pNZ8112 on d 0, 14, and 35. Blood samples were collectedon d 0 and 49 to evaluate serum IgG response by indirect ELISA with purifiedF4 fimbriae as antigen coated. M<strong>ic</strong>e spleens of each group were removed ond 56 to analyze numbers of F4-specif<strong>ic</strong> IgG with purified F4 fimbriae as astimulator by Elispot. The results showed that F4-specif<strong>ic</strong> IgG responses ofthe group immunized with recombinant stain was signif<strong>ic</strong>antly higher thanthe 2 control groups (P < 0.01), and the number of F4-specif<strong>ic</strong> IgG cells wasup to 73 per 10 6 MC. The study shows that L. lactis can express FaeG andsubcutaneous immunization with recombinant L. lactis can induce system<strong>ic</strong>immune responses in m<strong>ic</strong>e.Key Words: FaeG, Lactococcus lactis, subcutaneous inoculationT216 Alleviating effect of Coptis chinensis and berberine onintestinal injury in rats challenged with lipopolysaccharides. Q. Zhang*, T.Lu, D. Wang, and X. Piao, State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Collegeof Animal Science and Technology, China Agr<strong>ic</strong>ultural University, Beijing,China.Sepsis is still associated with a high morbidity and mortality rate in recent yearsdespite better supportive therapy and care. In sept<strong>ic</strong>em<strong>ic</strong> animals, the barrierfunction of the intestinal mucosa is compromised to aggravate the crit<strong>ic</strong>al illness.In recent years, Coptis chinensis and its main alkaloid compound, berberine,has been proven to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Thepresent study investigated their effects on endotoxin-induced intestinal mucosaldamage. The yield of C. chinensis aqueous extract (CCAE) was 14% (w/w),and its berberine content was 9.89% determining by high performance liquidchromatography. Forty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into fourgroups. Sprague-Dawley rats were orally administrated 30 mg/kg body weightberberine (BBR30), 300 mg/kg body weight aqueous extract of C. chinensis(CCAE300), or the veh<strong>ic</strong>le (saline; 10 ml/kg body weight) every day for2 weeks before being injected with endotoxin (i.p., 20 mg/kg body weight).Control rats were administered and injected with saline. Blood and ileum werecollected 6 h after injection to measure pro-inflammatory cytokine levels byELISA and antioxidant ind<strong>ic</strong>es by a spectrophotometer. BBR30 and CCAE300treatments lowered tumor necrosis factor-α ± (TNF-α±), interleukin-1α² (IL-1α²) and nitrite oxide (NO) in plasma (P < 0.05), elevated the activities ofsuperoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) (P < 0.05)and decreased the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitrate/nitrite (P

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