Inaugural ASAS–CAAV Asia Pacif ic Rim Conference Abstracts

Inaugural ASAS–CAAV Asia Pacif ic Rim Conference Abstracts

Inaugural ASAS–CAAV Asia Pacif ic Rim Conference Abstracts

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Beef Species PostersUrinary purine derivative excretion as an index forT228T226estimating rumen m<strong>ic</strong>robial nitrogen yield of yak in the Qinghai-Tibetan.H. Wang 1,2 , R. Long* 1 , and X. Guo 1 , 1 International Centre for Tibetan PlateauEcosystem Management, Lanzhou University, P.R. China, 2 Tibetan Rangelandand Yak Research Institute, College of Pastoral Agr<strong>ic</strong>ulture Science andTechnology, Lanzhou University, P.R. China.The rangeland of the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau is characterized by its highaltitude, low annual average temperature, and a short growing season. Yaks,having lived in such a harsh environment for several thousand years, seemto have developed some special physiolog<strong>ic</strong>al features for their survival.The objective of the present study was to develop equations based on purinederivative (PD) excretion for estimating rumen m<strong>ic</strong>robial protein production. Inthe fasting experiment, three 3-year-old castrated yaks were used. The resultsof a 6-day fasting trial showed that the daily endogenous urinary PD and Nexcretion was 134 μmol/kg BW 0.75 and 0.25 g/kg of BW 0.75 , respectively. Inthe feeding experiment, excretions of urinary PD linearly ascended with theincreasing of feeding level. The relationships between digestible OM intake(kg/d) and PD (mmol/d) was PD = 16.02 digestible OM intake + 1.27 (R 2 =0.75, P < 0.001). With the increase of infusion RNA level, excretion of urinaryallantoin, total PD, and the ratio of allantoin to PD linearly ascended. Therelationship between daily urinary PD excretion (Y, mmol/d) and exogenouspurine supply via abomasums infusion (X, mmol/d) was Y = 0.85 X + 33.02(R 2 = 0.96), suggesting that 85% of the supplied exogenous purine was excretedin the urine of yak. Based on the endogenous PD excretion obtained in thefasting trial, the relationship between daily urinary PD excretion (Y, mmol/d)and daily m<strong>ic</strong>robial purine supply (X, mmol/d) was Y = 0.85 X + 0.134 kg ofBW 0.75 for yak. According to above equation, m<strong>ic</strong>robial N (MN, g/d) productionfor yak can be calculated from the following equations: MN = (X × 70)/(0.83× 0.15 × 1,000) = 0.56 X, or MN = (X × 70)/(0.83 × 0.33 × 1,000) = 0.26 X. Inthese equations, digestibility of m<strong>ic</strong>robial purine was assumed to be 0.83 and Ncontent of purine was 70 mg/mmol. The ratio of purine N to total N in mixedrumen m<strong>ic</strong>robes was taken as 0.15 or 0.33 in greater or lesser dietary N level,respectively.Key Words: purine derivative, digestible organ<strong>ic</strong> intake, m<strong>ic</strong>robial nitrogenPreliminary study on the use of inhibin to improvethe water buffalo superovulation. G.-S. Qin 1,2 , D.-R. Li 4 , Y.-M. Wei 1,3 , Q.-Y.Jiang 1,4 , Y.-C. Qin 1,3 , K. A. Al 1 , B. Pan 1 , B.-J. Chen 1 , X.-B. Mao 1 , Z.-D. Shi 4 , andH.-S. Jiang* 1,3 , 1 College of Animal Science & Technology, Guangxi University,Nanning, China, 2 Guangxi Buffalo Research Institute,, Nanning, China,3Nanning Ovagene Biotechnology Co., Ltd, Nanning, China, 4 Departmentsof Animal Science, South China Agr<strong>ic</strong>ultural University, Guangzhou, China.Seventeen female buffaloes with normal estrus cycle were randomly dividedinto 10 heads for the experimental group and 7 heads for the control. In theexperimental group 1 mg/head of the Recombinant porcine inhibin α subunitfusion protein was administrated as the first immunization. After 28 and 56 days,the immunization was strengthened by the dose of 0.5 mg/head. At the sametime, an adjuvant consisting to the mixture of mineral oil and physiolog<strong>ic</strong>alsaline was administrated to the control group. In both the experimentalgroup and the control, at the days 28 (first strengthened immunization) and56 (second strengthened immunization), the foll<strong>ic</strong>les size and number weremonitored and counted respectively by B-mode linear array ultrasound scanner.At eight days after the super ovulation the foll<strong>ic</strong>les and corpus luteum countwere performed by B-mode linear array ultrasound scanner and palpation. Theresults showed that, in the experimental group compared with the control onethe average foll<strong>ic</strong>les number enhanced (from 8.8 to 15.0) after strengtheningthe immunization, but the difference was not signif<strong>ic</strong>ant (P > 0.05). After thesuper ovulation, in the experimental group the mean number of the foll<strong>ic</strong>lesand corpus luteum and ovulation rate were 12.2‚±0.79, 9.0‚±1.06 and 73.77% respectively, compared to the control, the difference was signif<strong>ic</strong>ant (P

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