Inaugural ASAS–CAAV Asia Pacif ic Rim Conference Abstracts

Inaugural ASAS–CAAV Asia Pacif ic Rim Conference Abstracts

Inaugural ASAS–CAAV Asia Pacif ic Rim Conference Abstracts

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T311 The effect of different forage-to-concentrate ratioson rumen fermentant and m<strong>ic</strong>roflora of Inner Mongolian cashmere goats.M. Hui-Zhong* 1 , S. Hai-Zhou 2 , Z. Cun-Fa 2 , L. Sheng-Li 2 , and Z. Chun-Hua 2 ,1College of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Inner Mongolia Agr<strong>ic</strong>ulturalUniversity, Huhhot, China, 2 Inner Mongolia Academy of Agr<strong>ic</strong>ulture andAnimal Husbandry, Huhhot, China.The purpose of this research was to study the effects of different forage-toconcentrateratios in the diets of Inner Mongolian White cashmere goats on therumen m<strong>ic</strong>roflora. Six similar old Inner Mongolian White cashmere wetherswith permanent ruminal and proximal duodenum cannulas were divided into 2groups and fed diets of 8:2 forage-to-concentrate ratio (group 1) and 7:3 forageto-concentrateratio (group 2). First, the total DNA of the rumen m<strong>ic</strong>robes wereextracted by an improved bead-crushing process. Second, Entodinium and 3important fiber degradation bacteria in the rumen contents of the two groups werequantified through SYBR Green fluorescent quantif<strong>ic</strong>ation PCR with 16S/18SrDNA as the target sequence. Results showed first, that the total DNA of therumen m<strong>ic</strong>robes were extracted through the improved bead-crushing process,on wh<strong>ic</strong>h UV spectrophotometry and gel electrophoresis were performed, andthe results showed that DNA concentration was between 245 and 290 ng/μL, theopt<strong>ic</strong>al density value was between 1.62 and 1.66, and most of the DNA chainswere greater than 15,000 bp with complete structures. Second, Entodinium and3 important fiber-degradation bacteria in the rumen contents of the 2 groupswere quantified through SYBR Green fluorescent quantif<strong>ic</strong>ation PCR with16S/18S rDNA as the target sequence. Results showed that the Entodiniumdecreased but that Fibrobacter succinogenes, Ruminococcus fl avefaciens, andRuminococcus albus increased with an increase in forage in the diets, but therewas no signif<strong>ic</strong>ant difference (P > 0.05).Key Words: cashmere goat, m<strong>ic</strong>roflora, fluorescent quantif<strong>ic</strong>ation polymerasechain reactionT312 Study of the protein and energy requirements ofGuangxi Black growing goats. H. Renchun*, W. Zhuyue, L. Yufa, Y. Jiahuang,Z. Heng, and J. Xiaogang, Guangxi Insitute of Animal Sciences, Nanning,Guangxi, China.A total of 54 Guangxi Black growing goats (BW 11.02 ± 0.48 kg) were usedin a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement to determine the CP and DE requirements forgoats. Goats had ad libitum access to complete mixed diets containing either9.10, 10.60, or 12.50% CP plus 2,680, 2,750, or 2,815 kcal/kg of DE for 8 wk.Feed intake was measured daily with an electron<strong>ic</strong> scale (TCK-11, ShuangJieInstrument Co.) and BW was recorded every 2 wk with an electron<strong>ic</strong> scale(NDH-68, DuoMi Instrument Co.). Data collected were subjected to ANOVAand signif<strong>ic</strong>ant treatment means were compared using Duncan's multiple rangetest with the aid of SAS (1998). Interactions between energy and proteinconcentrations were not detected (P > 0.05) for the growth performance, protein,and energy requirements of goats. Average daily gain was 122, 129, and 125g/d for goats fed diets containing 9.10, 10.60, and 12.50% CP, respectively. TheADG, ADFI, and G:F were not much different (P > 0.05) between differentCP levels. Crude protein intake and DE intake were 9.51, 11.09, and 13.29 g/(kg 0.75 × d) and 288.19, 290.34, 294.38 kcal/(kg 0.75 × d) for goats fed the low-,medium-, and high-protein diets, respectively. Average daily gain was 122, 119,and 135 g/d for goats fed diets containing 2,680, 2,750, and 2,815 kcal/kg ofDE, respectively. The ADFI of goats decreased as dietary DE increased (P >0.05), whereas G:F of goats fed the high-energy diet was better (P < 0.05) thanthat of goats fed the medium-energy diet. The CP intake and DE intake were11.24, 11.12, and 11.53 g/(kg 0.75 × d) and 291.05, 293.61, and 288.25 kcal/(kg 0.75× d) for goats fed the low-, medium-, and high-energy diet, respectively. It issuggested that 0.59 g of CP and 15.03 kcal of DE are required per gram of BWgain by goats. The pred<strong>ic</strong>tion equation for intake of growing goats 3 to 5 mo ofage was CP intake, g/kg 0.75 × d = 9.27 + 0.02 ADG, g/d (R = 0.560, P = 0.004);DE intake, kcal/kg 0.75 × d = 244.80 + 0.41 ADG, g/d (R = 0.792, P = 0.000).Key Words: Black goat, protein, growth performance90

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