Global Tuberculosis Report -- 2012.pdf

Global Tuberculosis Report -- 2012.pdf

Global Tuberculosis Report -- 2012.pdf


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BANGLADESHPopulation 2011 150 millionHIGH TB BURDEN | HIGH MDR-TB BURDENEstimates of TB burden a 2011NUMBER (thousands) RATE (per 100 000 population)Mortality (excludes HIV+TB) 68 (29–120) 45 (19–82)Prevalence (includes HIV+TB) 620 (300–1 100) 411 (199–698)Incidence (includes HIV+TB) 340 (280–400) 225 (185–268)Incidence (HIV+TB) 0.63 (0.34–1.0) 0.42 (0.23–0.67)Case detection, all forms (%) 45 (37–54)TB case notifications 2011NEW CASES (%) RETREATMENT CASES (%)Smear-positive 98 948 (67) Relapse 2 701 (37)Smear-negative 21 921 (15) Treatment after failure 886 (12)Smear-unknown/not done 0 (0) Treatment after default 320 (4)Extrapulmonary 27 329 (18) Other 3 459 (47)Other 0 (0)Total new 148 198 Total retreatment 7 366Mortality (excludes HIV+TB) (rateper 100 000 population per year)Prevalence(rate per 100 000 population)1201008060402001990 1995 2000 2005 201080060040020001990 1995 2000 2005 2010Other (history unknown) 3 459Total new and relapse 150 899 Total cases notifi ed 159 023New casesSMEAR-NEGATIVE/SMEAR-POSITIVE UNKNOWN/NOT DONE EXTRAPULMONARYM:F ratio 2.0 1.9 1.0Age < 15 932 1 152 2 583Laboratories 2011Smear (per 100 000 population) 0.7Culture (per 5 million population)

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