Global Tuberculosis Report -- 2012.pdf

Global Tuberculosis Report -- 2012.pdf

Global Tuberculosis Report -- 2012.pdf


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VIET NAMPopulation 2011 89 millionHIGH TB BURDEN | HIGH HIV BURDEN | HIGH MDR-TB BURDENEstimates of TB burden a 2011NUMBER (thousands) RATE (per 100 000 population)Mortality (excludes HIV+TB) 30 (12–55) 33 (14–62)Prevalence (includes HIV+TB) 290 (130–500) 323 (148–563)Incidence (includes HIV+TB) 180 (140–220) 199 (153–250)Incidence (HIV+TB) 14 (11–18) 16 (12–20)Case detection, all forms (%) 56 (44–73)TB case notifications 2011NEW CASES (%) RETREATMENT CASES (%)Smear-positive 50 719 (55) Relapse 6 925 (80)Smear-negative 20 205 (22) Treatment after failure 621 (7)Smear-unknown/not done Treatment after default 376 (4)Extrapulmonary 17 934 (20) Other 717 (8)Other 2 679 (3)Total new 91 537 Total retreatment 8 639Mortality (excludes HIV+TB) (rateper 100 000 population per year)Prevalence(rate per 100 000 population)8060402001990 1995 2000 2005 201060040020001990 1995 2000 2005 2010Other (history unknown)Total new and relapse 98 462 Total cases notifi ed 100 176New casesM:F ratio 3.0Age < 15 95SMEAR-NEGATIVE/SMEAR-POSITIVE UNKNOWN/NOT DONE EXTRAPULMONARYLaboratories 2011Smear (per 100 000 population) 0.9Culture (per 5 million population) 1.4Drug susceptibility testing (per 5 million population) 0.1Is second-line drug susceptibility testing available?Is there a national reference laboratory?Treatment success rate 2010 (%)Yes, in countryNew smear-positiveIs rifampicin used throughout(and/or culture-positive) 92 treatment for new patients? NoNew smear-negative/extrapulmonary 92Retreatment 69YesIncidence (rate per 100 000population per year)Treatment success rate (%)2502001501005001990 1995 2000 2005 2011Incidence Incidence (HIV+TB) Notifications1008060402001996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010TB/HIV 2011 NUMBER (%)TB patients with known HIV status 59 094 (59)HIV-positive TB patients 4 713 (8)HIV-positive TB patients on co-trimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT) 3 396 (72)HIV-positive TB patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2 258 (48)HIV-positive people screened for TBHIV-positive people provided with IPTEstimates of MDR-TB burden 2011 a NEW RETREATMENT% of TB cases with MDR-TB 2.7 (2.0–3.6) 19 (14–25)MDR-TB cases among notifi edpulmonary TB cases 2 000 (1 500–2 700) 1 700 (1 200–2 200)Number of patients70006000500040003000200010000New smear-positive (and/or culture-positive) RetreatmentNew smear-negative/extrapulmonary2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011<strong>Report</strong>ed cases of MDR-TB 2011 NEW RETREATMENT TOTALHIV-positive TB patients on CPT on ARTCases tested for MDR-TBLaboratory-confi rmed MDR-TB cases 601Patients started on MDR-TB treatment 57880Financing TB control 2012 2013Total budget (US$ millions) 73 63Available funding (US$ millions) 16 18% of budget funded 22 29% available funding from domestic sources 32% available funding from the <strong>Global</strong> Fund 68 69US$ millions60402002006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013aRanges represent uncertainty intervals.Total budgetAvailable fundingGLOBAL TUBERCULOSIS REPORT 2012 Data can be downloaded from www.who.int/tb/data 127

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