Global Tuberculosis Report -- 2012.pdf

Global Tuberculosis Report -- 2012.pdf

Global Tuberculosis Report -- 2012.pdf


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BOX 6.1Rolling out Xpert MTB/RIF globallyIn December 2010, WHO recommended use of the Xpert ® MTB/RIF (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) assay for the rapid and simultaneousdetection of TB and rifampicin resistance using the GeneXpert platform. The test entails fewer biosafety and human resource requirements thanconventional culture or DST. Furthermore, its sensitivity for detecting TB is signifi cantly higher than that of microscopy, particularly in patientswith HIV infection.By the end of June 2012, Xpert MTB/RIF had been rolled out in 67 of the 145 countries eligible to purchase instruments and cartridges atconcessional prices. 1.1 million test cartridges and 3602 GeneXpert instrument modules had been procured, with technical and fi nancialassistance from many partners and donors. South Africa has led the adoption of the technology and intends to use it countrywide as areplacement for microscopy for the diagnosis of TB; as of June 2012, the country accounted for 37% of the modules and 53% of the cartridgesprocured globally. The most up-to-date data on procurement and country-specifi c site locations and plans, together with WHO guidancedocuments on use of the test, are available on a dedicated WHO website. 1To gain evidence on Xpert MTB/RIF for the refi nement of its global policy guidance, WHO has been systematically collecting data from earlyimplementers of Xpert MTB/RIF on the tests conducted and algorithms used, the effects of introducing the technology on laboratory workload,and operational and logistic challenges encountered. 2 As of July 2012, 31 sites in 12 countries had contributed data. Systematic collection ofcomplementary laboratory and patient indicators is also underway by partners including TBCARE I, TB REACH, the South Africa National HealthLaboratory Services and Médecins Sans Frontières. Operational research projects, including those inventoried by the TREAT-TB initiative, 3 areexpected to yield further critical information on the impact and cost effectiveness of Xpert MTB/RIF in various diagnostic algorithms.Scaling up use of the Xpert MTB/RIF assay globally is expected to be greatly accelerated by a drop in the price per test from US$ 16.86 toUS$ 9.98, following execution of a novel fi nancing agreement between the manufacturer (Cepheid) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)and UNITAID in August 2012. The catalytic effect of the price reduction on such global scale-up will be complemented by a US$ 25.9 milliongrant from UNITAID to WHO’s Stop TB Department and the Stop TB Partnership. The new three-year TBXpert project will provide the XpertMTB/RIF technology to 21 recipient countries by linking a broad network of implementing partners with existing initiatives for TB laboratorystrengthening, using innovative approaches to expand access to vulnerable populations in the public and private sectors.FIGURE B6.1.1Progress in the roll-out of Xpert MTB/RIF, by July 2012GeneXpertmodules ordered01–45–2425–4950–99≥ 100Not eligible for preferential pricingNot applicable1www.who.int/tb/laboratory/mtbrifrollout2More detail on this initiative can be found at: www.who.int/tb/features_archive/xpert_use_web/3http://xrmt.treattb.org/70 WHO REPORT 2012 GLOBAL TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL

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