080121-08MN006-Sabina Hackett River Project Proposal ... - NIRB

080121-08MN006-Sabina Hackett River Project Proposal ... - NIRB

080121-08MN006-Sabina Hackett River Project Proposal ... - NIRB


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<strong>Project</strong> Specific Information RequirementCamp SiteSection in <strong>Project</strong><strong>Proposal</strong> Report16 Describe all existing and proposed camp structures and infrastructure (continued) The existing camp will not bea part of the proposed campfor this <strong>Project</strong>. The exactproposed camp andinfrastructure locations arecurrently being evaluated aspart of the pre-feasibilitywork, which is expected tobe completed by summer2008.17 Describe the type of camp:a. Mobileb. Temporaryc. Seasonald. Permanente. Other18 Describe the maximum number of personnel expected on site, including the timingfor those personnel.Equipment19 Provide a list of equipment required for the project and discuss the uses for theequipment.The proposed camp will bePermanent, but will beremoved upon closure.Executive Summary, Section2.6.2, Section 2.8.5Section 2.6.720 If possible, provide digital photos of equipment. Not includedWater21 Describe the location of water source(s), the water intake methods, and all methodsemployed to prevent fish entrapment. Provide a map showing the water intakelocations.Section 2.7.5Potential water source lakesare currently being evaluatedas part of the pre-feasibilitywork, which is expected tobe completed by summer2008. Fish entrapment willbe prevented by followingDFO’s “Freshwater IntakeEnd-of-Pipe Fish ScreenGuideline”22 Describe the estimated rate of water consumption (m³/day). The water balance andwithdrawal volumes arecurrently being evaluated aspart of the pre-feasibilitywork, which is expected tobe completed by summer2008. For the Type A waterlicense application, thefollowing estimates areprovided:Process water=4,000 m3/dDomestic water=90 m3/dDust control=100 m3/dUnderground drill=100 m3/d23 Describe how waste water will be managed. If relevant, provide detail regarding Section 2.7.3, Section 2.7.6location of sumps, including capacity of sumps and monitoring.24 If applicable, discuss how surface water and underground water will be managedand monitored.Section 2.7, Chapter 9

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